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Marketing Investments You Won’t Regret

4 Mins read

Owning a business and the day-to-day running of that business is a heavy workload. You may have everything planned out, and you may have put processes in place already, that means you’re going to be one step ahead at all times. But if you don’t invest time and/or money into your marketing efforts, then you’re going to be at a disadvantage. There are some investments in marketing that you may regret and mistakes that you may have already made. But with some research, and following some good advice then you will find some marketing investments that you really won’t regret. Of all the business owners that have been before you, and the ones that will follow, the ones that have succeeded tend to be those that are in the public eye more often than not. You only need to look at John Lewis and their Christmas campaigns, to know that marketing is essential.

marketing investments

Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By PopTika

So, what exactly is an excellent marketing investment? And is it just time or money that you will need to put into this area of your business? There are many online resources such as the legendary marketer review and also here are some ideas for you to add to your marketing campaign research.

Creative content

There is a saying that content is king when it comes to marketing and writing online. This is because the writing that you do needs to be captivating and get the point across as well. Ultimately your reader needs to know precisely what you are telling them and be interested in what you are writing. Original content to be written for your website, and for your marketing materials, is easily outsourced. But you will want to ensure that the content is very high quality for precisely those reasons. If you are skilled in this area or have a member of staff that can write up a storm for your creative content needs, then utilize this and find out how to best use this outlet for great SEO. Search engines (let’s face it mostly Google) index your content on your sites, if your content matches SEO requirements, then your customers will find you easier when searching for services.


When creating your marketing materials, or your online information, given your potential customers and clients and insight into what you do is essential. Showing that you are investing in your business, really gives customers a sense of confidence in your services and products. When it comes to photography finding an excellent photographer, that can provide you with some fantastic shots to show exactly what you can do. This will improve customer confidence no end, and show that you are a high-quality business as you are producing high-quality creative to share with the world. It’s proven that the customer is more likely to buy if they trust the process, and providing Professional visuals will help.


In addition to paying for high-quality photography, you may want to consider videography as well. Not only will people be entertained, and see precisely what your business is, but they will get a feel for the company and if it’s the right one for them. Finding the best videographer will mean you will end up with advertising materials that keep your customers interested, enthralled and enthusiastic about your business. You might not realize what fantastic options are available when it comes to video of you at work. Now isn’t the time to be camera shy, if you get the opportunity or make the opportunity to record your services, then take it, it’s not something you should miss out on if you can help it. And if you do your research and find a videographer with fantastic reviews, you shouldn’t go wrong.

Graphic design

Graphic design is essential, since it gives you a brand identity when it comes to sharing your materials, and your visibility in various events and places locally. Brand awareness is important and easily achieved with the right expertise. People that have studied graphic design know precisely how to end up with the result that’s best for you and your business. Working together on your graphic design for your business will be important as your brand grows. This may be an easy one for you, especially if your brand has a story, and your company has a specific reason for being. But either way, spending time and money on a professional is a good investment.

Social media

Whether it’s finding out exactly how to use social media or hiring a social media manager, it goes without saying that in 2019, social media cannot be ignored. You can do your research and find out exactly how to use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all the rest of the social media platforms, but to do an excellent job, you will need to consider the changing landscape and what businesses are now expected to do in the way of sharing online. It’s expected that we share our stories as much as possible, even down to the small details. And the reason for this is the same as any other marketing, to build trust, brand awareness, and involve the customer in the process. It is recommended that you either invest time learning how to utilize social media and/or hire someone to do it for you. It isn’t as easy as it looks.


Networking is mostly a drain on time, not necessarily on finances. Because you have to physically go to a networking meeting, and then spend time following up with everyone that you meet. Not everybody loves marketing their business, so a networking meeting where they have to tell everybody about what they do can be uncomfortable for Sam. However, there is always a connection to be made with somebody that you can help, or maybe able to help you in your business.

As with anything business-related nothing is guaranteed, however, if you follow some tried and tested processes, that are recommended from other successful business owners, then you are likely to be on the right track with your own efforts too.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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