
Keeping the Human Element In Your Business Plan

2 Mins read

As much as you probably want to create a business plan that’s based on projections, numbers, ideas, and concepts, it’s essential that you never lose track of the human element when it comes to your overall goal. Without humans, your business is nothing. So business managers who have that hard line of communication that dehumanizes people are never going to get very far.

business plan and human factor

Shutterstock Featured Photo – By crazystocker

To help you keep this vital element in your business plan, make a point to understand human capital, pay attention to body language in your interactions, remember that people don’t quit jobs, they quit bosses, and make sure that you don’t get too caught up in the numbers.

Understanding Human Capital

When it comes to understanding human capital, some people will naturally have an appropriate perspective, whereas others don’t. If you can’t figure out how to evaluate people from a personal standpoint but to a business end, then it’s time to step back and reassess how your observations are working. Without the ability to understand where human emotional value fits into business concepts, you’re missing out on a big part of what can make a company successful.

Paying Attention To Body Language

When you begin paying attention to body language of clients, coworkers, customers, and managers, you’ll have a massive set of benefits immediately float to the surface of your interactions. Even paying a little bit more attention to the physical aspects of communication will mean that you can get your point across much more clearly, and can understand what people are saying to you with that much more clarity as well. There are lots of simple tips to understand language, but it is crucial that you note that cultural differences do matter.

People Don’t Quit Jobs, They Quit Bosses

More recently, with the way that people and employees can be surveyed, it’s turned out to be a fact that people don’t quit jobs, they quit bosses. If you want to hang onto your human capital, you have to understand that people need to be treated with a certain amount of respect, regardless of what their job title and function is.

Getting Caught Up in the Numbers

When you get too caught up in the numbers of your business, it’s easy to forget that people are behind every single set of income, every list of expenses, all the shipping numbers, and everything in between. When you’re trying to program your business to be successful, you have to realize that without absorbing non-numerical data, you could be losing out on tremendous opportunities to make more money, or just generally be more satisfied with the progress that your business is making. If you talk to any successful business managers, they will all tell you that people are their most important resource.

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About author
Larry is an independent business consultant specializing in tech, social media trends, business, and entrepreneurship. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.
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