
Will Poor Customer Conceptualization Be the Bane of Your Business?

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The probability of succeeding in the business world is unfortunately a lot lower than most people think. Around 45% of businesses will close within the first five years.

There are a number of reasons that businesses struggle to stay afloat. In the past, we talked about one of the biggest challenges of creating a successful business – finding the right products to promote. Far too many companies invest tens of thousands of dollars developing products that there isn’t a market for.

However, there is a similar issue that doesn’t get as much attention. Far too many companies come up with potentially winning product ideas, but they fail to understand their target market effectively. This could easily become one of the biggest problems that they are going to face when trying to sell the right products.

The consequences of failing to develop a detailed understanding of your customers can be significant. Some of the biggest concerns are listed below. You should use kyc services if you are really stuck.

Failing to understand the depth of your target market

You need to be realistic about the size of your target market. The consequences of being overly optimistic about the size of your market can be quite serious. Here are some reasons that you need to properly identify the size of your target audience:

  • You are going to have to conduct a break-even analysis when you begin selling your products. You might find that you would need to capture a very large portion of the target market to sell enough units of your product to break even.
  • You need to know how much you can scale your business with the target market that you are focusing on.
  • You might need to find ways to squeeze more value out of your target audience by upselling or sharing other products to them if the number of customers is too small to create a profitable business model with your existing product line.

You might be surprised by how quickly your target market shrinks as you define it more narrowly. Advertisers on Facebook and other sites that allow demographic targeting have often discovered that the size of the target market decreases by up to 95% after they add two or more qualifiers with their targeting.

You won’t be able to reliably estimate the size of your target market if you haven’t carefully identified it in the first place.

Hitting the wrong pain points in your marketing messages

Every target audience has different priorities when buying a new product or service. You need to know which pain points are most likely to drive your customers to make a purchase.

Many different demographic and psychopathic variables come in to play. Income is one of the most obvious. Lower income consumers tend to be more price sensitive and will respond to marketing messages emphasizing affordability. Higher income customers are more likely to care about prestige, so marketing messages directed to those customers should take this into consideration as you try to create the right image for your business.

Knowing which mediums to reach your target audience

One of the most important elements of any marketing strategy is the mediums used to reach potential customers. You are going to need to display your marketing messages across a variety of websites, print publications or other mediums.

Your medium selection is going to be completely off-base if you don’t know what customers you are trying to reach. Make sure that you understand which mediums your target customers use before you start delving into the finer points of your marketing strategy.

Carefully identify your target customers

You can’t try to run a business without having a very clear understanding of your customers. This is one of the biggest downfalls of many businesses.

You should take some time to really explore the nuances of your target market. Try to identify every meaningful demographic and psychographic variable that influences their behavior. Your odds of successfully capturing a large share of year market at a reasonable cost will be much higher.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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