
Why Your Business Would Benefit From An App

2 Mins read

It is thought that the average person spends around three hours a day on their mobile device.  We already know that a large proportion of that time is spent on social media apps, but everyone who owns a smartphone will use other apps at times.

If you are one of the few businesses that do not yet have an app, you are running the risk of lagging behind your competitors. Here, we look at how having a mobile app for your business can not only benefit your customers and clients but you and your business as well.

apps for businesses

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1) Increased Visibility and Exposure

As we mentioned above, we spend a significant amount of time on our phones, tablets or other mobile devices, and while we may only visit a one or two apps or websites during that time, we will still be looking through our phone to find them. Even if people who have installed your app don’t click through to it, they will see it. To capitalize on this, you need a well-designed app graphic. This will catch the eye and leave an imprint in their mind, even if they do not realize it.

2) It Can Create A Direct Channel For Marketing and Advertising

If it is well designed, your app can provide vital information about your business, prices for products and services, allow them to book services or buy goods, get in touch with you, search for information, join in with forums, follow a news feed and so much more. When they are on a desktop website, they have to click about a lot more, which can be off-putting. By having an app, it is all in one place, making it a whole lot easier for your customer to get what they need from you and complete the transaction.

3) It can enable you to build brand recognition

One of the most important things for a successful business is to build brand recognition. As well as having an app that is straightforward to use, and gives your customers the key information at their fingerprints, you also want it to look professional to represent your brand and create recognition of what you are all about. It is thought that people need to see adverts and a high quality, cheap logo design to recognize it and remember it when needed.  This is known as ‘effective frequency’. By having an app, you are giving your brand additional exposure and speeding up this process.

4) It Enables You To Reward Your Customers For Their Loyalty

Loyalty programs are big business these days. If you do have a loyalty program, this makes an excellent addition to a mobile app. It saves your customers from carrying around a purse full of loyalty cards which are usually forgotten about or lost, and you can remind them to input their details. As well as that, you can really make the experience personal to your customers. If they have inputted their details, you can refer to them by name and send personalized messages and offers to thank them once they have completed a transaction.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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