As a non-profit business owner, you should know just how vital donations are to your cause. Of course, in your time running your non-profit, you’ll also receive government grants and support from local businesses, and may even start selling products or services to raise some extra cash, but donations are the fuel that keeps your organization running. Because of this, it’s vital that you’re always looking for new ways to get your mission out there and raise as much money as you can. To help you with this task, here are five ways you can boost donations.

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1. Write Regular Fundraising Newsletters
A regular fundraising newsletter is a great way to keep your donors and potential donors up-to-date on the work that you do. It’s important that they receive this information, or they won’t see any reason why they should give you their hard-earned cash. Email campaigns are a quick and cheap way to keep you on donors’ minds, but direct mail can sometimes be more effective, as people get a lot less of it these days, and so take notice when they do.
2. Design A Great Donations Page
We live in a technological age, so it would be no surprise if the only way that people can donate to your cause is through a website online. If this is the case for you, then it’s more important than ever that your donations page is professional and easy to use. Try to avoid complicated processes, as they will confuse and annoy potential donors, so you’ll likely get a lot fewer. While you’re doing this, you should also work on improving your social media pages.
3. Launch A Crowdfunding Campaign
If you’re struggling to get people onto your donations page, then you should consider using one of the many crowdfunding pages you can find online. The website is just one example of the many you have to choose from. The people that go to these sites are looking to donate their money somewhere worthwhile, so you should find that raising money is much easier. Just be aware that many of these sites take a cut from your donations.
4. Enlist Some Help
You’re likely incredibly passionate about your non-profit and its mission, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t other passionate people out there who are willing to help you. Companies like, for example, can help you with everything from street marketing to lead generation, which should boost your donations. You can also ask friends and family to chip in and enlist some volunteers when you need them.
5. Upgrade Your Current Donors
One of the easiest ways to boost your donations is to upgrade your current donors. This means asking these people to give you larger donations. Of course, not all of them are going to say yes, but some will, so it’s worth a shot. To increase your chances of getting the larger donations you’re after, you need to show your donors that you appreciate them by saying thank you, offering gifts, and hosting donor-only events in their honor.
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With these tips, your donations should fire up in no time.