How is your content looking right now? Would you say that you’re giving it your all and getting the exact level of traction that you want? Or do you think that you could be doing better? If you’re not on top of your game right now, you’re going to want to push on. We can always improve, we can always do more, and we can always develop what you’re doing to take it to the next level. And it’s the same with your content. If you want your impact on social media to be something special, then you have to really work for that. One way that you can make sure you’re doing it, is to make sure that your content covers all of the key bases. Not sure if yours is? Then let’s find out what they are and how you can nail them.

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1. The Message
The very first thing to make sure you’re ticking off is the message. What are you trying to achieve with this particular piece of content? If you’re not sure, then stop – don’t post it yet. You need to know what kind of overall marketing message you’re working with. It has to be on brand and fit with the story that you’re trying to tell. Are you looking to entertain your audience? Inform them? Educate them? Just make sure that you know what the overall message is, and that can help you to work out how you’re going to engage with them.
2. The Imagery
So, when you’ve got that sorted, you’ll then need to make sure that you’re working on the imagery. Are you always 100% sure that the images you use are strong, on brand, relevant to your campaign, and relevant to your audience? If you’re not sure, then it’s time to strengthen your content marketing images. Nailing this is half the battle. So, if you win, you’re on your way.
3. The Video
Then there’s video. And it’s important that you’re putting out quality video content and not just anything to have it there. If you ever use filler, you’ll fail. Think about hiring a videographer so that you can get the right kind of videos produced that won’t let your content or your brand down.
4. The Sound
But that’s not all. Right now, we all know that voice is important. Sound is simple, it’s easy, and we can interact with it while doing other things. You don’t have to stop what you’re doing to read or watch. So, get it right. Consider the beats for sale you can use to strengthen your sound too. Make sure that you’re nailing this strategy so that you have another dimension to your content collateral.
5. The Wording
Finally, you also need to make sure that the wording you work with sends across the right message. Really try to tell a story with your captions, your copywriting, and your blog content. Literally spell the message out and look to strengthen the image, vision, or sound with your words.