So, you and your business users have moved with the tech times (if not you’re seeking to). You’ll want cloud computing applications and mobile devices to allow stress-free access to your business systems and information, not just within the four office walls, but off-premise and wherever. For your employees, customers, and partners it’s flexibility, efficiency and frankly the new ordinary. If you and your business haven’t already braved the switch then here come a few reasons that will leave you asking yourself just why you haven’t got your head in the clouds!

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Heightened productivity
Employees enjoy the creative freedom of being able to have some control over where and how they complete their work, and by operating on the cloud, you are opening up these possibilities! By providing remote access and or BYOD (bring your own device) options, you increase the likelihood of happier and more productive employees.
One study conducted by Nicholas Bloom on behalf of Stanford showed a very significant productivity boost over two years with employees who worked from home. Depending on the type of business you have perhaps scrapping the office entirely isn’t possible! Be that as it may, it’s definitely worth considering the circumstances under which you could afford to give your employees more scope to access their work from multiples places and devices. With this flexibility, you’ll facilitate higher levels of morale. You will be creating the opportunity for people to work on the go, while they travel, and also, you’ll have the option to accommodate freelancers comfortably.
Enhanced security
Sure, you seek growth, but when you’re spreading information across a much wider area you’ve got to up the protection ante! The great news is that cloud computing provides ample focus on protecting your business data. Within cloud services, data encryption is frequently the norm as are concentrations on the ability to oversee information and consistently revise and update security. Cloud computing services can often be teamed with IAM (identity access management) solutions which operate via features such as single-sign-on or multi-factor authentication. These IAM processes are all about determining and controlling the access rights of each network user associated with your business, the objective being that simply the right users have the proper access while unapproved users can’t sneak in and get their cyber paws on your sensitive data!
Along with such considerations, you can also look toward the benefits associated with mobile device management. One of the many features of MDM means that you can monitor your employee’s devices when they access your company systems to complete their work. This doesn’t have to mean compromising privacy; it’s instead about ensuring that you are protecting your business that can easily be put at risk security wise if employees are accessing the network using their personal devices. Regardless of the size of your business, you’ll want to prioritize keeping everything safe and sound.
Cloud computing can undoubtedly save you bags of time as you will be eliminating any time wasted switching between the different systems and resources of your business. Having everything on a remote server instead is further time efficient as it means that you are no longer restricted to just one location and one device. What’s more, you can also speed up the process of onboarding any new employee and granting them all the required access that they need to complete their new role in a faster and more automated way. Anyone who runs a business regardless of the scale knows that time to spare isn’t exactly plentiful so you’ll likely welcome any opportunity you can to steal a little of it back!
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Improved marketing
Moving on with the tech times is an excellent marketing practice to attract more customers. This way, you are ensuring to present yourself and your business as appealingly contemporary and advanced which is especially useful if not all your competitors are opting for the same moves and making a cloud technology switch. If you take the leap now you can quickly leave them behind so why not grab the chance to get ahead if you can. As technology swiftly advances, the most new-age options are increasingly matching commonplace customer expectations.
Save your business money
As we’ve established, cloud computing is all about trends toward the remote. With this flexible accessibility, there is much scope for BYOD (bring your own device) options. You will be creating money-saving possibilities via not having to supply your employees and your office with the hardware that you may have previously needed in opting for traditional computing practices. In addition to this, with everything you need just ready and waiting for you on the cloud, there is less need for resources like paper and printers (so you’ll even be helping your business go greener too!)
Data protection from loss
Another critical benefit of cloud computing involves the ability to easily protect your data from being lost. All the info stored on the cloud can be automatically backed up and therefore recovered with no worries as and when you need. If hardware is broken, lost or damaged in any shape or form, then such incidents and accidents no longer need to be an issue. You can just relax, pick up another device, and log back in to focus on your projects at hand.
Collaborative work
The cloud opens up the possibilities for members of your team to easily collaborate on projects more quickly and efficiently than ever before. Your employees do not need to be in the same office or meeting, nor do they have to spend lots of time emailing documents back and forth in order to communicate and collaborate well. The cloud ensures that working as a team is agile and flexible enough so as not to minimize creativity or facilitate time wasting.
With so much to gain via fully embracing the ample new technologies that we have at our disposal today; you might just find that cloud computing is well worth a gander to give yourself a business boost!