For the last few years, business has been up in the clouds. And, no; we don’t mean that more companies have been taking long-haul flights. More, we’re referring to the cloud you don’t need a plane to fly through; the cloud of modern storage.
It’s no longer enough for companies to keep filing cabinets or even rely on hard drives. An increasing need for efficiency has led many to store business files in the cloud, an easy-to-reach backup system which has made everything from improved workplace productivity to remote options possible.

Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By thodonal88
But you don’t need us to tell you that. Cloud computing is pretty old news. What you might not realize is that issues here aren’t uncommon as it comes to the fore that there’s no such thing as a one cloud fits all solution.
The fact is that it isn’t enough to just take cloud recommendations from close friends or opt for the most popular cloud systems. Instead, you need to realize that getting this right is about picking the best for your company, not anyone else’s. And, here are a few questions you should ask to help you make that choice.
What systems do you use the most?
The cloud you choose should largely depend on the systems you use. It wouldn’t do you any good to use Apple’s OneDrive if you primarily rely on Google applications. Equally, Microsoft users should seek options like Microsoft Azure instead, which would flawlessly integrate programs they already use on a regular basis. This may seem like a simple consideration, but thinking about it ahead of time is the only way to make sure your cloud solution is the best and easiest option for your business on the whole.
What budget are you working with?
Cloud solutions vary a great deal in price, and many providers offer different packages for different needs. If you’re a startup, then, there’s no point signing up for an expensive premier cloud when you only need half the capabilities. Equally, opting for a budget choice might not be ample for a sizeable company. Make sure that you factor Cloud computing into your budget, and consider both what you need, and how much you can spend on it now.
Also Read
Is a ‘mega cloud’ really the best option for you?
For ease of use if nothing else, many companies use one ‘mega cloud’ provider for cloud-based needs. But it’s worth asking yourself whether this is the best option for you. Some companies are finding that working with multiple cloud solutions is the best way to get what they’re after. For instance, they’re finding that they need solutions on both public and private cloud platforms among other unique needs which one cloud can’t serve. While opting for multiple servers does have certain downsides, then, it’s well worth considering if you’re currently struggling to get along with the one mega-provider you have right now. With a bit of luck, this could be the thing which makes your cloud click and last.