
The Perks Your Employees Expect From Their Work

2 Mins read

You might think that your employees come to work every day just so they can get their paycheck at the end of the month. This is true of course; the financial compensation of working is one of the main reasons why many of us seek employment. However, it’s not the only reason people go to work. Many individuals are also keen to work for companies that offer other great perks alongside their regular salaries. Most of these perks are financial, but they don’t always have to be as you’ll see from the list of expected perks below. Is there any that you should start offering your employees?

employees perks

Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By Artur Szczybylo

Plenty of Paid Days Off

You will have a legal obligation to offer your employees the statutory number of sick and holiday days. These can be taken at them whenever they want throughout the working year. However, in an attempt to try to attract the best talent to their company, more companies are now starting to offer more than the bare minimum number of days. Not only is this beneficial for your employees, but you will find that the ability to take more breaks can improve their health and reduce stress. As a result, you won’t lose so much money as they won’t need to take so many sick days.

Good Healthcare Benefits

Another perk that many employees would like their companies to offer them is a fantastic healthcare package. It’s worth offering a complete health insurance so that they don’t have to worry about how they will afford it themselves. Many companies are now also giving their employees some great extras like the use of a telehealth service and a complete dental plan. These can help your employees stay fit and healthy, and they will also make any future job openings very attractive to job hunters.

Investment Opportunities

Recently, many entrepreneurs have realized just how beneficial it is to them to help their employees support themselves in life. The better supported employees are, then the happier and more productive they will be in the workplace. And there’s no better way of supporting them than helping them out financially, such as by offering them investment opportunities in the companies. Many businesses offer their employees shares in the company that can be cashed in at any time.

Childcare Options

Arranging childcare can be a bit of a nightmare for working parents. They might not be able to afford a nursery place or childminder for their child, but don’t have any friends or relatives who would be able to take care of them. So, some companies are now offering help with childcare to all of their employees with families. Some businesses offer vouchers for nearby childcare facilities, but others are going one step further an even opening their own creche for employees’ children onsite.

There are lots of different perks that you may want to start offering your employees; these are just a few suggestions. Which ones will you start to implement across your company?

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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