
How To Make Your Business Carbon Neutral

2 Mins read

When you run a business, there are many ways to really sell yourself to your potential clients. Perhaps you have some good business principles, you offer things at the best price out there, or you do things in a new and improved way compared to your competitors? Or maybe, you make sure that you’re a carbon neutral business?

carbon neutral business

Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By NicoElNino

This is something that consumers just love, but being carbon neutral isn’t only good for your business bank account. The main benefit is to the environment, and who doesn’t want to have a better carbon footprint? We’ve put together some simple tips, so that you can make your business carbon neutral.

No more printing

If you want to make your business more environmentally friendly, then printing should be a thing of the past, unless it is absolutely necessary. With tools like the Cloud (and things like email, come on guys…) you don’t need to be printing everything out, and the days of filing cabinets are pretty much long gone. Don’t print things unless you really need to, and stick to the online tools that are good for the environment.

Turn out the lights

As a security measure, a lot of office blocks are kept lit up at night, which costs your business a lot of money. Sure, you should have some lights on if you want to keep everything as safe as it can be, but really think through your lighting solutions. Perhaps you can have more energy efficient lighting, or you could keep some lights off, and have emergency fittings kept on? Think about more viable solutions.

Encourage recycling

A lot of the time, there is no need to put any of your office waste into the regular trash. In fact, you should be recycling almost everything, and if you’re not doing this, then encourage your team to recycle all that they can. From Disneyland inspired trash cans (yes please) to rewards for recycling, there are plenty of incentives out there to make sure that you’re heading towards carbon neutrality.

Turn off the computers

Before each one of your team members leaves, they should be turning off their computers. If not, you’re wasting a lot of cash by keeping them on, so make sure that they are turned off at the switch, and powered back on again in the morning. This may seem like a simple and miniscule thing, but it will make a big difference in the long-run, to your bills and to your carbon neutral status, too.


If you want to make your business carbon neutral, then try out some of these simple things. A lot of these solutions don’t seem too significant, but combined (and over time) they will ensure that you are well on your way to saving the planet, and satisfying your environmentally friendly clients, too. Print less, turn out the lights, encourage recycling, and turn those computers off!

Good luck heading towards carbon neutrality, and saving yourself a fair bit of cash in the long-run, too!

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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