
5 Ways to Make Your Business More Environmentally Friendly

3 Mins read

Whether you’ve recently launched a company, or you have many years of experience under your belt, we are all aware of climate change, so doing your bit for the environment is crucial. As the head of a business, all eyes are on you, so it’s important that you set a good example, so that your employees follow suit. To help get you started, here are 5 ways things you can do to make your business more environmentally friendly.

eco-friendly business guide

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Recycle and Use Recycled Paper

Your first port of call when it comes to making your company greener is by recycling and using recycled paper. Creating a bin for recycling is a simple way to make your business more environmentally friendly. Once you have bins labelled for paper, plastic, and cardboard, you will find that your employees will soon get into the habit of using them. You may also want to look into recycling balers if you get through a lot of waste as a business.

Conserve Water

Regardless of how big your business premises are, another great way to help the environment is by conserving water. Taking simple measures, such as repairing leaky faucets, may be all it takes to stop your company wasting gallons of water. If you aren’t sure where to start when it comes to saving water, you may want to consider asking a plumbing expert who will have all the advice and guidance you need to help reduce your water usage. In addition, you can investigate a range of options like eco-friendly water systems which can be useful for stopping unnecessary wastage.

Replace Old Appliances

If you have appliances in your business that have run their course, it may be time to swap them for energy efficient ones. When on the hunt for electronic items, you will find that there are energy star ratings listed on them which show you how efficient they are. The more environmental benefits they have, the better, so make sure that you look at a range of competitors before making your final decision. It might also be worth having someone perform an energy audit so you can work out where you can make changes without negatively affecting your output.

Switch Off Equipment

Whether you run a small business or large organization, you may not realize all the energy you could be wasting on a daily basis, therefore it’s up to you as the owner to make sure that any equipment that’s not in use is switched off. Not only can doing this save on your energy bill, but you will be doing your bit for the environment at the same time. At the end of the working day, make sure that you go around your premises to ensure any laptops, computers, and other electrical devices are either switched off or unplugged. The last thing you want is to be faced with a hefty energy bill at the end of the month, so drilling the importance of switching off equipment into your employees can help keep costs down and ensure you’re running a greener company.

Plant Trees and Shrubs

Shrubs and trees are a crucial component of the ecosystem which helps to act as a filter for pollution. Not only can planting trees and shrubs make your company appear nicer in a visual sense, but there isn’t a lot of upkeep involved other than the occasional watering. There are lots of health benefits that plants can bring into your workplace and they also produce oxygen which can help improve air quality which is vital for you and your workforce. The shade from trees can also help to cool down your workplace from powerful sunlight.

Creating recycling bins for you and your employees to use, doing what you can to conserve water, replacing old appliances with energy efficient ones, and switching off equipment that’s not in use are just a few things you can do to make your business more environmentally friendly. While you may not feel like you’re doing much to help, making small but subtle changes can help you be more energy efficient, as well as save money on your bills at the end of the month.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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