BusinessReal Estate

The Specific Challenges Of Three Major Business Industries

2 Mins read

When you’re choosing which industry you wish to operate your own business in, it makes sense to choose an industry with a long track record of success. Niche businesses and industries can do very well, but you will always be competing for a slice of a smaller pie. If you go big and choose to enter an industry that is one of the most lucrative in the US, then the sky’s the limit for your business opportunities.

Of course, it’s not quite as easy as picking an industry at random and deciding that will be the one you will make your fortune in. Some of the biggest industries have unique problems that you will need to navigate; they might be big, but that doesn’t mean they are easy. Before you jump in, it’s worth considering the specific issues that some of the biggest industries face– so you know exactly what you might be getting into…

The Major Issue For… Real Estate

real-estate business

Wikimedia Commons

The real estate industry is the largest in the USA. People will always need homes, meaning that choosing to enter business in this area seems like a perfect solution.

However, the real estate industry has had to weather some crises in the past; most recently in 2008, when the subprime bubble popped unexpectedly. The biggest issue that real estate has to face down on a daily basis is volatility. House prices are variable and somewhat subjective; while you can make your fortune in real estate, you can also lose a fortune.

The Major Issue For… Construction

The construction industry is worth in excess of $500billion to the US GDP, so there’s no denying it might be the perfect choice for a business venture if you have expertise in this area.

However, the construction industry always faces problems regarding safety. While health and safety regulations have come a long way in the last century, there will always be an element of risk when you are placing human beings in perilous situations. There is a great rundown of the potential hazards you may have to deal with at; as shown, even the most established of companies can have safety failures that result in tragedy.

Construction might be lucrative, but it is an industry you should only enter if you have vast experience in this trade, and a working knowledge of how to keep workers safe.

The Major Issue For… Healthcare

healthcare business

Royalty-free image by Pixabay

Healthcare is one of the biggest industries in the US, so if you have experience in this field, it seems sensible to want to capitalize on that– there’s clearly business out there to be won.

However, the political instability regarding healthcare is extremely difficult to navigate at the present time; as detail, the US President is not ready to move on from the healthcare issue, so the volatility in the industry is likely to continue.

Choosing to enter an industry that is being debated as a partisan issue throughout the political system is only for the very brave; you have to be sure that you can ride out any changes to healthcare policy. If you think you have what it takes, healthcare can be a great industry to operate in– but you have to be willing to follow the news and act accordingly.

In Conclusion

The above are just three industries with unique problems you will have to overcome; every industry has the potential for issues to arise. The take home from this is that you should always do your homework before entering an industry, so you know exactly what to expect.

8 posts

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I've worked with in the tech and finance industry for more than 20 years. I currenlty head up the marketing for Get in touch to talk about strategic partnerships, marketing opportunities or a friendly chat.
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