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Seeing Your Websites From The Client’s Perspective

2 Mins read

Running a business means you must be always available for new clients. This means attributing your business model to what a client would be most responsive to. If you are currently running a business or have any idea about what one is, you’d likely already know this fact. However, past ensuring that your business is appealing to clients, many people neglect to look further than that, and carry this fact with them as far as possible. It’s only apparent to business owners something is wrong when something might be going wrong. However, if long-term profitability is your goal, anything that isn’t absolutely optimal should be considered something going wrong.

responsive web

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Take your website. There are better and worse websites out there. There are websites with bad design and good design. There are websites too cluttered and too minimal. There are also websites will little engagement and those with seemingly too many utilities. Seeing your website from the client’s perspective will help you avoid all the pratfalls of running a bad website, and instead freshen your outlook on why it’s running in the first place.

So, let’s view it from the client’s perspective. This person will likely be looking for:


It’s important for clients to know how to navigate your website. This means that clear presentation is much more important than any artistic trickery that you might find appealing. It also means using solid templates for all fixtures of your page. You can create a website for free using website builder tools, and then often proceed from there in a manner that most impressively allows for integration with social media apps or other services you have in mind.

Navigability is important because it also helps you prioritize what a client sees. The most important parts? A client’s account, and the store or booking system you have. From there, news about the site, and lastly contact information and support help. This is the golden ladder. Ideally, you should also allow a hub of links to follow the user on every page they are visiting. This allows them one click to most other services and allows for an easy and clean method of respecting the client’s time. They’re sure to appreciate it.


No business wants to be seen as unprofessional. Even those with a ‘zany’ aesthetic want the client to believe they are competent and able at all times. So, allow this to exude from all corners of the website you offer. This means allowing your company statement, policy and a meet the team page to be front and center the entire way through.

It also means allowing the website to mean more than just a place to sell your goods. If you have the potential to, then update your website regularly. Allow it to be a place where the fundamental hub of news and other insights of your firm are posted. Make it a place not only of sellable goods, but of informational goods. This allows you to stay confident that your website will keep its utility now and until the use of websites becomes irrelevant.

With these attitudes, your clients are sure to respond to your website with positivity.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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