Your business is only going to be as good as the people that you have working for you. The staff are the ones that day in and day out are there, doing the things that can help the business to grow. So recruiting the right kind of people, the ones that will work hard, catch the company vision, and help to build the business, are the ones that you want. But how can you ensure that your recruitment process is able to get you the talent that you need? Here are some things to be thinking about.

Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By nitsawan katerattanakul
Know Your Needs
When it comes to writing out a job description, you need to know specifically what you are looking for. Does the candidate need to have certain work experience, for instance? Or will they have to have worked in a certain industry for a certain amount of time? You do need to get quite specific in the recruitment process, in order to whittle it down to the people that you need that are capable of doing the job.
Ask Employees For Referrals
If you want to improve the quality of the people that you are hiring, then looking to implement some employee referrals software for your existing employees can be a good idea. When people refer people that they know, it is accountable on ‘on their head’, so to speak. So the quality of the candidates is likely to be high and those that would be suited to the role.
Advertise in the Right Places
If you are advertising for quite general roles such as secretarial or admin duties, then advertising the job on quite general job sites would be fine. But if the role is quite specialist, then you need to make sure that you’re looking at the right kind of places to advertise the job. Websites, blogs, and social media like LinkedIn could be a good idea, as well as specific industry job sites or job boards. Local advertising could be appropriate too.
Rethink Your Interview Process
If all you are giving your candidates is a bog-standard interview where you ask a few questions and they provide a few answers and a few examples, then you might not get the qualities of an exceptional recruit to shine. So while a few questions and answers are good, it can be a good idea to look doing something a little different during the interview process to see how things go. Asking them to prepare a presentation is something that is often done, as well as a role play situation or a game. It is important to do the same thing with everyone, though, so you can see how different people react in different situations.
Headhunt Talent
If you have people in other departments or in similar industries that you know of, then it could be worth mentioning the job opening to people like that. Though they will have to go through the same application process, having a one-on-one conversation about a role can be a good idea.