
5 Signs Your Boss is a Self-Absorbed Narcissist

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We give over a lot of our time and energy to our work. These days, it’s seldom just a 9 – 5 job (and even those hours added up to plenty of hours each week); we’re now expected to be reachable into the evening and sometimes beyond. Of course, this is just the nature of doing business. We have to work! But if we’re going to spend so much time at our workplace, then we’ll want to ensure that the people we’re working for actually care about us. We see them more than our families, after all! So how do you know whether they do have your interests at heart? If they’re doing any of the below, it’s likely that they don’t.

Narcissist boss

Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By Nattakorn_Maneerat

All Work, No Play

Yes, your job should be serious, but it doesn’t need to be serious all the time. There’s place within the working day for a little bit of fun. If your boss is continually cracking the whip and trying to get as much work out of you as possible, then they’re not really seeing you as a person. They’re viewing you like a machine to complete a task, No-one’s expecting work to a laugh-a-minute, all-out rollercoaster of fun, but if it seems like any fun is prohibited, then you may prefer to find a new boss.

Dangerous Conditions

You were hired by your boss because you will help them to make money in one way or another. And it’s natural that they’ll put the pieces in place that’ll make that happen. However, if they’re generating a profit from you by cutting corners, such as ignoring safety controls and practices, then there’s an issue. Your boss has a duty of care to you, not just as an employer, but as a fellow human. If you’re injured at the workplace, then you should talk to a personal injury attorney, and fight for the compensation that you deserve. If nothing has yet happened but you’ve spotted dangerous aspects, then speak up before an accident can occur.

Career Progression

You have plans of your own. You might be hired for one position right now, but that’s not necessarily where you’ll want to be some years down the line. It’s worth asking yourself if your boss is helping or hindering your career progression. A good boss will want you to do well for your own sake, not just because it benefits the business.

Ignoring Opinion

There could be some telltale signs when it comes to your professional relationship. If your boss is routinely ignoring — or not even asking for — your opinion, then he or she likely has a low opinion of your professional credentials. A caring person would recognize the skills of another person, and take what they have to say on board.

No Credit

Finally, think about the good work that you do — are you given credit for your work? Or does the boss take it? A leader will always give credit where it’s due, not try and take it for themselves.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.