
Achieve Excellent Efficiency With The Right Tech

4 Mins read

When you are running a business, you should always aim for the highest levels of efficiency. Efficiency simply means delivering a quality product or service in the fastest possible time. So, it’s very much a balancing act. Lean too far one way, and you’ll discover that while you are delivering a high output the quality will diminish. Too far the other way and the opposite will be true. There are lots of different ways to improve levels of efficiency with many business owners favoring training. Training your employees, you can get them to a point where they will be able to complete more jobs or roles in a shorter amount of time. You can also think about changing the business model to cut out time wastage where possible. For instance, a lot of businesses never switch off their tech. This saves them from the ten minutes it takes to load up the systems in the morning of each working day. As such there are various options for improving efficiency. But we think the best method is still making sure that you are investing in the right tech.

tech use in businesses

Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By SFIO CRACHO

With the latest technology you can definitely maximize efficiency levels in your business, and that’s always going to be the ultimate goal. So, let’s look at some of the tech that you can use to do this and achieve the next level when it comes to efficiency.

Cloud Server

You should be using a cloud server in your business. There are two routes to take here. The first is to think about using a rented cloud server. Here, you will be piggybacking off an existing server and using the raw power that is available from this. Alternatively, you can set up a brand-new server for your company. While this option is more expensive, it’s also going to deliver better results because you’re going to have more control over the system and the set up being used. For an SME renting space is always going to be the best option for cost purposes. Do make sure that you check out a few providers before settling on the right one for you.

How does a cloud server speed up efficiency levels? Well, it can do this in a variety of ways. When you use a cloud server, you can utilize it to store all your important systems and files and make sure that they are easy to access. This is going to provide a faster turnaround time for your clients, and it’s just one example of the benefits that this type of set up can potentially bring. A cloud server can also be used to set up a shared space. A platform like this can be used to share data and files between clients, employees, and colleagues. Everyone can access the same information in seconds, and changes can be made that are instantly seen by everyone. Ideal for a wide range of industries, this is about keeping everyone connected and on the same page.

Of course, the main benefit of a cloud server is speed. Forget load times or long waits for files and software to download. Everything is instant when you’re on the cloud which is why so many businesses are now invested in this tech. If you’re not providing an instant service, you’ve already fallen behind.


You can also think about providing ways for customers to serve themselves rather than to rely on your staff. The best example of this would be a self-service POS kiosk that you will have no doubt seen in a range of different restaurants or brick and mortar shops. Ultimately, it means that employees can focus on other areas while shoppers take care of themselves. It can even lead to a lower number of staff which is going to cut cost without losing the quality of your customer service. Particularly, if you invest in the right POS system. You might think that customers don’t want to serve themselves, but you would be wrong. Studies show that the vast majority of adults prefer to order and buy in this manner rather than waiting in line for one of your employees.

It’s not just about incorporating this system in the real world either. You need to make sure that you are also looking for ways to speed payments and purchases up online. Ultimately, buying online should be as simple as possible for your customers. Luckily, there is software available that can make this a reality. You can get software that can allow secure transactions to occur in no more than three clicks thanks to smart identification systems. With this type of setup, you can get the sale and guarantee that the transaction is completely secure.

Paperless Tech

We’ve already talked briefly about some of the systems that can be used to go paperless in your business including a cloud server. Ultimately though, it’s important to be aware that you don’t need any of the techs that used to be fundamental for a business like a fax machine. Instead, the information can be sent through email directly to the individual and accessed in the same way. As such, that means that you can get rid of the expensive technology clogging up your office and this will also make your company a lot more flexible. Once you go paperless, you won’t really need an office at all, particularly when everything can be accessed by anyone online.


Finally, you should think about investing in the technology that will allow you to introduce automated processes into your business. There are various examples of this available on the market today including invoice payment systems. In the past, you would have needed an accountant or HR to arrange or pay invoices. Today, you can actually change things completely with a simple piece of software that will do all the work for you and even distribute invoices to your employees. This is once again going to help you keep costs low, and customers won’t even be aware of this change in your business.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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