
Uninspiring Workspace? Top Tips To Design & Build The Most Productive Office Yet

4 Mins read

Productivity can be influenced by so many different aspects within the workplace, but many business owners fail to see the effect that a poorly designed office can have on the overall output of your employees. Putting more of an effort into the setup of your workspace can really encourage and motivate your staff to perform to their full capabilities every single day, and it couldn’t be simpler to begin implementing beneficially changes to create a much more positive office in which work can really thrive. If you want to know more about what you can do to improve the productivity of your employees through innovative design, then read on to uncover some of the best top tips to consider to stop holding your staff back and provide them with the ingredients needed for the recipe of success!

great workplace tips

Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By fizkes

Colors Really Do Matter

Though it may seem such a simple feature, the colors which you choose around your office can have a huge impact on the way your staff feels. Opting for all white everything will do nothing more than give the aura of a doctor’s surgery, and this cold and bleak shade can make even the most positive of people feel a little trapped. This doesn’t mean you have to head out and buy the most luminous paints on the market, but just make a conscious effort to inject a bit of color to bring up the mood and make it all feel a bit more friendly and warm. Colors such as green have connotations of positivity and balance – it’s generally viewed as a more ‘natural’ tone and is actually said to be the easiest on the eyes, so could be great for those having to work longer shifts. Incorporating yellows and oranges will boost positivity and productivity even further, as they too are associated with energy and optimism.

The Effects Of Poor Lighting

Having low quality lighting throughout your office space can halt the progression of productivity and essentially leave your staff at a standstill. Lights that are too bright can damage many different parts of the eye, and leave all of your employees with regular headaches or even migraines. The same goes for those are too white, as these will again encourage an almost surgical feel and do nothing to motivate your staff to be productive. Choose warmer tones and make the most of natural light where possible – an office with windows shrouded by blinds is one that feel somewhat detached from the outside world. Hilton’s electricians are qualified to give you all the information you need to make the best choice, and then implement and install these features to the highest quality. Don’t just stop at 1 set of lights per room, as there are different working tasks that require varying degrees that can only be properly fulfilled with personal lamps or systems which allow for dimming. For example, any illustrative or drawn work must be done using a bright light whereas PowerPoint presentations are best showcased in low-lit environment. Accommodating all of these tasks must be factored into your planning to ensure that you can efficiently cover all bases.

Choose Comfort with Chairs & Desks

There really is nothing worse than having to stay sitting down on a painful seat behind an uncomfortable desk all day 5 times a week, and it’s your responsibility as a business owner to ensure that you avoid this completely. Opt for the most ergonomic products possible to keep your staff at ease, moving away from hard plastic chairs and buky steel tables towards something more suitable. Many seats offer back support through clever design that can alleviate pressure from joints, and even encourage greater blood flow in the legs – this is essential as being sat down for lengthy periods can potentially lead to blood clots and further health issues. Desk should fit each of your employees properly, so choosing those which are adjustable in height can make things much easier. Ensure that they are easy to move around to create group workspace or adopt a new design, and never force too many employees to operate in one small space and this will encourage arguments and create a sour atmosphere to boot.

Banish Boring Walls

Boring walls are dramatically uninspiring and will do nothing to help your staff to succeed. Covering up any empty space with something motivational or creative can encourage your workforce to feel a little more upbeat and ready to tackle the day ahead. Posters that show quotes about reaching a goal or focusing on the task at hand can provide everyday reminds for your staff to try and to their best, and artwork or design pieces can change the vibe to something more modern and cool. Adding other accessories may help further, such as drink stations providing ice cold water for optimum hydration and bowls of fruit at arm’s length for a natural nutrient boost. These features will also help your employees to see that you consider their wellbeing, therefore driving them to achieve more and become more dedicated to their workplace and job. It doesn’t take much to rid your office of dull and dingy design, just think outside the box and search online for some of the most creative options available on the market that you can take advantage of today.

Making the most of your office space has never been so easy with these top tips to help see you through the process successfully. Take every detail into consideration to build the most amazing workplace yet, and watch your staff’s productivity thrive in their new and improved environment. Add a dash of color wherever you can, focusing on tones like green and yellow to create a more positive and uplifting atmosphere. Change your lighting to something less harsh and provide more personal equipment to those who require it, along with supportive chairs and ergonomic desks for ultimate comfort. Spruce up boring walls with motivational quotes and add some artwork for a modern finish.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.