
3 Top Changes that Will Spur Business Growth in 2019

2 Mins read

If your business is in desperate need of a refresh, then it could be time for you to think outside of the box a little bit. It could be time for you to take a different approach to your problem by working in a way that is completely out of the ordinary – when doing so, you should start by implementing some of the innovative business ideas found below. Well, what’s the worst that can happen?

business growth ideas

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Improve your marketing strategy

Improving your marketing strategy in an innovative way could be the catalyst your business needs for refreshment. It could help you to break into a market you are yet to break into, and it could help you to connect with an audience you’ve previously never engaged with.

When it comes to innovation in a marketing sense, the first thing that you should do is stop taking yourself so seriously. Consumers expect businesses to be serious and professional about the things that they do and the way that they advertise themselves — throw your audience off guard by releasing a marketing campaign that shows an informal and humorous side to your business.

Consider employee retention

When it comes to employee retention, you can probably do more. Specifically, you can probably afford to get to know your employees a bit more — doing this will give you a better understanding of their motivation behind moving on from your business. Is it their generational instinct that makes them want to look for new job opportunities? Are you the reason why your employees seem so quick to abandon your ship?

An innovative approach to employee retention is to actually begin the process of retaining during the hiring process. To do this, you should only ever hire employees that fit your business’s culture down to a T.

Improve your website

If you are in any doubt over the quality of your website and its ability to draw in customers, improve it. This can be done in any number of innovative ways — one way to do this is to embrace VPS hosting. You should align yourself with a company like Smart Hosting who can offer expert advice and assistance when it comes to this because it will improve your site’s performance immeasurably, both in the present day and for the foreseeable future. By working alongside such a partner, another thing that you will be able to be certain of is that your website will be as fast as it has ever been.

Something else that you should do in this instance is to ensure your website is inundated with attractive calls to action. By littering your site with these calls, you will engage your audience like never before.

Sometimes, the most innovative courses of action for you to take are those that are right under your nose. You’d think that the tasks found above were easy, normal things to do, but these all-important factors of business often get thrown by the wayside. If you want to refresh your business and take it to the next level, you cannot forget about them any longer.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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