
Struggling With Sports Gaming? Time to Try These Apps!

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games-onlineOver the last few years, online sports betting has become a booming industry. In the United States alone, betters wager close to $400 billion a year on sporting events. That figure is even higher in countries where sports betting is legal.

While sports betting is becoming more popular than ever, many novices are struggling to learn the ropes. Fortunately, they can take advantage of a number of great apps to boost their odds.

Fire Up These Apps to Improve Your Betting Odds

Sports betting is largely a game of chance, but educated players still have a huge advantage. Here are some apps that can boost your odds of placing winning bets.

Betting Tips (Play Store)

If you have an Android device, you may want to download the Betting Tips app from the Google Play store. The app provides tips from proven experts, so it can definitely give you a great edge. The tips are updated daily and have a 90% success rate.

OLBG (All Devices)

OLBG is another great app to get free sports betting tips. You can download it from both the Play Store and the App Store. You will have real-time access to thousands of free expert tips.

Top Betting Tips

Top Betting Tips isn’t as popular as the previous two, but it is another free sports betting tips app worth looking into. The app aggregates data on previous sporting events. The major downside is that it only provides tips for American football, basketball and hockey games. You can use UEFA euro 2016 for onling gaming.

Information is the Key to Winning at Sports Betting

Sun Tzu once said “every battle is won before it is ever fought.” He was speaking about the value of information in competition.

The same principle applies with sports betting. You have access to smartphone apps that offer thousands of expert tips. Take advantage of them!

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.