
Is Your Business Safe on the Web?

3 Mins read

As a business owner, you know that the internet can be a great resource for promoting your company. But with all these new cyber threats, it’s important to be aware of the risks. Hackers and scammers are always looking for ways to get into your system, so you need to make sure you’re protected at all times. Here are some tips.

1. Use strong passwords and change them often.

It’s important that you don’t use the same password for more than one account. Use random combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols in your passwords to make them unique. If a hacker knows you use a common password, they can easily get into your system. The best way to go about this is using programs like LastPass or 1Password, which generate and store strong passwords for you. You can also change your password as often as you want on these platforms.

2. Secure your wireless router.

It’s important that your wireless network is secure so no hackers can get into it and steal personal information or use the internet without paying for it. Make sure to change the default password when you set up your router. This will keep the device safe from being hacked into.

3. Protect your computers and phones with a firewall and antivirus software.

There are many free and paid antivirus programs available online these days. You can use a cloud-based firewall for businesses, which monitors all incoming and outgoing traffic on your network. This prevents hackers from infiltrating your system wirelessly.

4. Be careful what you download online.

It’s important to make sure that you only download apps, programs, or updates from official sources like Google Play or Apple Store. If someone sends you an email suggesting that you need to download a certain app or update, don’t do it unless you can verify that the message is legitimate.

5. Update your devices regularly.

All your devices need to be up-to-date with the latest software and patches so hackers can’t exploit any vulnerabilities in them. Older devices that aren’t up-to-date are easy to infiltrate because hackers know they have outdated protection against viruses and malware. If you can, update your devices as soon as an update is available so your system stays protected at all times.

6. Make sure your backup is working.

Make sure that all of your data is backed up regularly so if something does happen, you won’t lose any valuable information. You can use an online backup system so your files are always available, even if your devices fail. You can also back up your system to a hard drive or USB flash drive so you can transfer your files to another computer if needed.

7. Avoid using public networks.

When you’re at a coffee shop or other business that provides free wireless internet, never send any personal or banking information over the network. Hackers often create fake access points that look like legitimate networks, and they can easily steal any data you send over these networks. Instead, wait until you get home to use your internet.

8. Keep your passwords private.

Don’t write your passwords down and keep them in an accessible place like on your desk at work or even in a drawer at home. If a stranger gets hold of it, you don’t want them to have access to all your accounts so make sure to keep your passwords in a safe place.

9. Don’t open e-mails from unknown sources.

It’s important that you don’t open any attachments from people you don’t know because they could contain harmful viruses designed to infiltrate your system and steal personal information, like bank account numbers. It’s also a good idea to avoid clicking on any links in these emails.

10. Educate your employees about online security risks.

Make sure your employees are aware of all the risks that come with using the internet, especially when it comes to online banking and shopping. Educate them on how to keep their computers secure by scanning for viruses, not downloading any unknown programs, and avoiding public networks. If they need help, make sure they know where to go.

11. Report any cyber attacks or suspicious activity to the authorities.

If you ever notice anything suspicious on your network like cyberattacks or unauthorized access to personal information, report it immediately to the authorities and disconnect from the internet as soon as possible. If you continue to be attacked over and over again, call a professional IT company for help with securing your system.

It’s important to stay safe on the web. If you take these tips into consideration, you’ll be able to avoid hackers and protect your business from cyberattacks in no time!

1381 posts

About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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