
The 3 Best Software Enterprise Solutions Businesses Should Invest in Before 2021

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  • Here are the three best software enterprise solutions to keep in mind as 2021 comes to a close.

Businesses worldwide have come to terms with the new working standards — no matter how temporary — during the ongoing COVID-19 concerns. Everyone has had to rally to create and maintain strategies that support remote workers to support their businesses.

The right software enterprise solutions can help you move forward in a way that fosters whatever the future holds, coronavirus pandemic or not. Hopefully, the pandemic will soon pass and become a memory, but it is better to prepare for things to carry on as they are now than to try to outmaneuver something most people do not understand and cannot predict.

Dataquest discusses the three major stages of addressing COVID-19 with “respond,” “recover,” and “thrive,” culminating into a long-term operating environment some call the “next normal.”

Essentially, your business can perform all three functions when investing in the right software enterprise solutions for support. Here are the three best software enterprise solutions to keep in mind as 2021 comes to a close.

1. Native App Development

If you are ready to create software programs specifically designed to fit and run on specific devices, you want to explore the world of native app development. Native apps offer you a direct route to your customers “where they live,” which for many is their smartphones, making it the most commonly targeted device. Businesses primarily focus on building native apps to run on iOS and Android operating systems.

To pursue native app development, you can check out React Native and Flutter programs, which provide you with faster development velocity, a friendly user experience and powerful performance.

2. Data Analytics Software

With such an unpredictable year, leading to another uncertain and unpredictable year, business leaders need to take a good look at your data. Data analytics software can help you take on this task with greater accuracy to find meaningful results you can use to enhance your business in 2021, regardless of the coronavirus’s status. If you have ever considered taking on the task of data analysis on your own and without software, you are likely now in dire search of a high-caliber data analysis tool. There are two methods of data analysis:

  • Qualitative analysis: performed through observations and interviews
  • Quantitative analysis: performed through surveys and experiments

Some top qualitative analysis software available for 2021 includes NVivo, Provalis Research Text Analytics Software, Dedoose and Raven’s Eye.

Programs that provide quantitative analysis include Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and STATA.

3. Innovative Partnership Programs

Like many businesses, you might face ongoing challenges when managing remote work concerns due to the pandemic. If you feel like you were not prepared, you are not alone.

Aspect offers software and technology for enterprise-level organizations to help supporting and developing employees who are working off-site. Moreover, this solution can help you maintain and grow customer satisfaction and company success. With such a program, you can take advantage of contact centers and cloud technology that supports employees in taking greater control of their scheduling and overcoming logistical issues that stem from remote working scenarios.

Take on 2021 With Confidence

After a year where everyone was in reactive mode, it’s time to become proactive by investing in software enterprise solutions that put the power back in your hands. Whether you start developing native apps, performing intensive data analysis or working with an all-encompassing workforce management solution provider, you can hit the ground running in 2021.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.

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