
A Cleaning Guide For Your Running Track

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When schools or businesses invest in a running track, it costs a lot of money! That’s why a regular cleaning and maintenance schedule is so important. Below is what you need to know about cleaning and maintaining your track so it’s good for years down the road. And remember to try out these track materials if you think you’re ready for an upgrade.

Why Is Track Maintenance So Important?

For starters, your running track isn’t just used by the track and field team. It’s used by a lot of teams from many sports. And people in the community use it, too.

For example, people around the neighborhood often use a running track for running and staying fit. Athletes from other supports use it for training and conditioning. A running track is such a vital part of the athletic program at any school, and its quality can affect whether the program succeeds or fails. It’s that important!

When you put so much money into something like a track, you want it to last. And if you take care of the track, it will last for years. A track that goes for many years will place less financial pressure on the school, and a high-performing track will protect your athletes.

Below are more specifics about track maintenance:

Check The Track Daily Or Weekly

It’s wise to regularly check the track’s condition, weekly or daily, depending on how often it’s used. Be on the lookout for damage and dirt. A track that sees a lot of use will see mud, dirt, and grime build up every day. Checking its condition regularly will give you an idea of how much you need to clean it to keep it in great shape.

How often you look over the track also is affected by the season. People use tracks more in sunny, warm weather. This places more debris and stress on the surface in the spring and summer months. Also, you should check the running track in the fall for leaves, for ice and snow in the winter, and pollen in the summer.

Sweeping and Debris Removal

Getting rid of any debris you find is the next step. Just sweeping the track often will keep it in good shape most of the time. Eliminating anything that causes slips – such as ice, sand, or mowed grass – makes it safer for anyone who uses it.

It’s a mistake to use cleaning products with steel bristles or anything else harsh that may damage the track. A soft bristle broom works well. Also, use a leaf blower to blow away most debris and objects from the track.

It’s also important to pull out weeds from around your track. The weeds can grow fast and may make people slip.

As you sweep, look for more significant issues, such as wear, cracks, or debris that sweeping doesn’t remove.

Track Cleaning

Washing and cleaning the track surface is next. Stubborn dirt, algae, and moss will remain if you don’t do some cleaning.

Wet the track with a hose and move any contaminants to the track’s edge. You should do this regularly, especially after significant events when there is heavy foot traffic. Pressure washers are too harsh for your track and shouldn’t be used.

Track Repair And Resurfacing

It’s critical to be proactive when you are doing track maintenance. Don’t let a minor issue become a major one. Fixing small cracks is simple, but it gets more complex when they grow and expand.

Of course, the time comes when you need to resurface the track. You can consult a track maintenance professional to determine when it’s time to resurface your track.

Your track can take years of heavy use, but it’s essential to maintain and clean it regularly. If you do so, you’ll enjoy years of trouble-free maintenance with your track.

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About author
Larry is an independent business consultant specializing in tech, social media trends, business, and entrepreneurship. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.