BusinessSmall BusinessWeb Design

5 Web Design Mistakes To Avoid For Your Small Business

2 Mins read

As a small business owner, your website is a vital part of the business. It can be a first point of call for customers, as well as a way for people to buy from you, learn about you, and get the contact details from you that you need. It can even be used as part of your digital marketing strategy and used in your branding. Customers and potential customers will use the site as a way to answer a specific question, so it pays to have a website that is going to be able to do all that it needs to.

web design mistakes businesses do

Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By Jane Kelly

If your website isn’t up to scratch, then it can be hindering the growth of your business. So here are some website mistakes, and how to avoid them.

Website Not Suitable for Target Market

If you have a website that isn’t suitable for the target market and was just thrown together quickly to get something out there, then it is a mistake. Take a target demographic that are a little older, for instance. Larger, clearer fonts are best for them, as well as sites that don’t have pop-ups all of the time or that start playing videos. Keep the design suited to your audience and it will pay off.

Dull and Unimaginative

If your website is dull and bland, then it can tell potential customers all that they need to know about your company. If your brand is fun and colorful, then your website needs to show it. Use something like a slogan generator for your blog posts or tag line and use plenty of color and images. Of course, some brands need to be demurer, but that would be expected by a customer when they visit the site.

No Clear Call to Action

When you get visitors to your site, what is the main goal of them being there? Do you want them to sign up to your newsletter or buy a product from you? Do you want them to read your blog posts or to get on your social media? Make it obvious and then they are much more likely to do it.

Slow or Busy

Rightly or wrongly, people’s attention spans are decreasing. So, you need to think about what you can be doing to make sure that you have a website that is fast and responds quickly. If it takes a while for content or images to load, then people are likely going to just give up and click away. Equally, if a website is too busy with pop-ups every couple of seconds, as well as flashing graphics or videos, it can be too much and put people off. Find some middle ground and it will pay off.

Not Keeping Site Up to Date

If our site isn’t kept up to date, then the chances are that customers will think you’ve gone out of business, click away, or try to buy things that are no longer sold. None of which are a good thing. Keep your site up to date, and it will keep your business growing and growing.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.