Dealing with the distasteful and emotionally devastating parts of life is how we build strength. As cliché as it may sound, it’s true. Being fired unexpectedly, particularly from a career which you have put years into, can be one of the most psyche-wrecking and emotionally painful experiences there is. Learning from the opportunity and moving on means that you will be stronger, both personally and professionally. Many people find that being fired leads to much-needed self-evaluation, and it can also serve as a professional opportunity. Being out of a job means finding a new one, and this can be the perfect opportunity to start the business you have always dreamed of.

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The Coping Stage
When you get fired – particularly when you feel it was undeserved – the natural reaction is hostility. Time advises that you ‘send your ego on a short vacation’ in the wake of a termination, an extremely valuable tip. Understanding that we are all fallible, and that you may have played a role in your current situation, is the best way to frame the agony of losing a job.
This will allow you to gain all that you can from your experience, figuring out potential mistakes to avoid going forward. Remaining gracious and graceful in the wake of a firing will help you maintain professional relationships that could be of great benefit in the future. What exactly that future will look like is up to you.
Consider Your Hobby
Starting a new career should not be viewed as a monumental, high-risk decision. According to Forbes, the average American will change careers six times in their lifetime. Six career changes shouldn’t be a goal of yours, but it should help you understand why starting over is completely normal. It could also be the best opportunity for professional happiness that you will ever have.
There is also good reason why many people say sayonara to a steady, safe job to start their own business. You don’t have to fancy yourself as Bill Gates or Warren Buffett to see the potential benefits that being your own boss affords. Before you start a business, though, you need to put your finger on a business that is worth starting. The most logical place to start for many is with their hobby or passion.
Too often we say it but don’t practice what we preach. Doing what you love and getting paid for it is priceless. A paycheck cannot serve as a true barometer for the value of genuinely loving your job. Several hobbies lend themselves to the business world, and you should consider whether your side-hustle or passion project could serve as the basis for your business.
Also Read
Good Financial Cents lists some common hobbies that can also be careers, including writing, car work, various forms of teaching, performing comedy shows, and mastering the ins and outs of social media. Another potential career that many should consider is becoming a real estate agent. Properties have value, and you don’t need to tend to them all day in order to maintain that value. Making a profit from flipping properties may be particularly appealing to older individuals who are in retirement yet still want to make money without holding down a full-time job. For those interested in finding out more about starting a real estate business, check out this real estate-centric business plan from the Balance.
Life after being fired unexpectedly is almost always hectic and full of worry. Anxiety about the future is only natural. However, take comfort knowing that there are plenty of options for a beneficial career pivot, and that includes the opportunity to monetize your hobby or passion. Look on the bright side, consider your options, and get started pursuing your professional dream job or business as soon as possible.