
What to Consider When Deciding On a Domain Name For Your Business

3 Mins read
  • It is very important to choose the right domain name for your business website.

If you have a new business, product, or idea that you want to market, chances are you are going to want a website to do so. In order to have a website though, you have to get a domain name. Read this article for helpful hints and tips about procuring a domain name. 

To Buy or To Create?

Whether you want to purchase an already existing domain name or create a brand-new name of your own, you should figure out the true worth of your potential domain name before you do anything else. There are companies and services that will conduct these domain appraisals for you and make your job of finding the right domain name for the right price much easier. Once you decide whether you are going to come up with an original domain or buy a pre-existing one, then you have to choose the exact components that you want it to have.

Many Options Available

Domain names have several pieces that come together to form the final full name. These pieces split up into a hierarchy of categories and to decide upon a domain name you have to choose which categories you want it to fit into. The first category to decide upon is the top-level domain (TLD). This domain is the part found furthest to the right in a domain name. Generally, the TLD is separated from the rest of the name by a dot. Examples of TLDs include; com, net, edu, gov, org, mil, and int.

The next category is directly to the left of the TLD. It is called the second-level domain (SLD). Continue moving to the left and you then have the third, fourth, and sometimes fifth-level domains. Collectively these domains are generally referred to as lower-level domains (LLDs).

Each level is generally separated from the others by a dot, known as a full stop. The actual company, product, or service displayed on the website generally forms the SLD and sometimes takes up the SLD and some of the LLD spots. The last domain category, which is the furthest to the left, most often denotes the specific host server that the domain belongs to.

If you are creating your domain name from scratch then you must figure out all the LDs for yourself and if you are purchasing one you need to consider how these LDs will play into the look and value of your domain. Some domains cost more than others both to purchase in the first place and then also to maintain. The gTLDs or generic TLDs like com, net, and org for example, usually cost more but they also tend to be more readily recognized and trusted by people as well.

Get Started

Now that you understand a bit more about what goes into a domain name and how the process works it is time to make your decisions, create or purchase it, and register it today. This is essential when creating a website and is one of the most important web design steps to take. Keep in mind that you should have a full understanding of the value of your chosen domain so that you do not spend more money than you should. Keep in mind too, that each LD has meaning and its own pros and cons, so carefully sift through all your choices and all that it could mean for your business before making any final decisions. 

Have fun with the process and find or make a good name for yourself, your company, your service, or your product. Ideally, your chosen domain name will be built to last, recognizable, and memorable. When you think you have it figured out, make one last double-check that it is not too close to a competitor’s name or an undesirable affiliation. Also, make certain that it cannot be misread or misunderstood in any way. 

However, you get it, enjoy your domain name, and make it one that people will know and love for years to come.

3 posts

About author
Anthony Bergs is a project manager at Writers Per Hour. He always keeps an eye on the marketing sector to implement the best innovations into the strategies that he builds. He’s always open for new connections and partnerships.
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