
6 Ways to Promote Your Small Business on a Budget

3 Mins read
  • You don't have to spend a ton of money to grow your business if you follow these tips.

Running a small business can feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle against those who are bigger than you. They have larger budgets for general operations and often considerably larger budgets for marketing.

However, you can still run with the big dogs by being more targeted and efficient in promoting your business. In fact, we have six great ways that you can promote your small business on a budget.

Social Media

Social media platforms are free to join and use. While you can pay to run ads on social media, you don’t have to. You can still effectively run a marketing campaign without spending a single penny on advertising on any platform that you use. It does take time, research, and creativity, but it’s possible. Utilize some of the most popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Then consider other platforms you find work for your brand and connect with your clients like YouTube, Twitter, or Snapchat. Create shareable content that people love to interact with and you’ll find that your audience, impressions, and reach will continue to grow over time. You can promote and grow your brand through social media without buying any ads.

Make Promotional Products

If you can find a way to literally get your brand into the hands of potential customers, you’ve found a successful marketing technique. Promotional products are a great way to do this as you can give customers items that might not have much meaning in the long run but they find useful in their everyday life. Small items like pens, hand sanitizer, stickers, key rings, and even water bottles that have your logo on them will imprint the image of your brand on the mind of prospective customers. These are easy to have as promotional items because you can give them away without feeling like you’re breaking the bank to do so.

Write a Blog

People mostly use the internet for two things: entertainment and searching for information. If you can help with one or both of these things, you’ve found a great way to gain trust with people who could turn into loyal customers. Write a blog on your company’s website to provide users with useful information that pertains to your business. If you’re a plumber, you can write posts about which plunger is the best, why you shouldn’t use Liquid Plumr in your sink, or dispel myths about plumbing. There’s always useful information that you can provide to users as they come across your website so you can establish your credibility with them before they ever buy a product or service.

Teach a Class

Teaching a class is another great way to establish yourself as a credible source for your customers. It will not only build your reputation as an expert and thought leader in your field but it gets people in the door. You can teach people in your community a special skill that’s directly involved with your industry.

If you’re worried that you’re going to lose customers if they know how to do what you do, don’t be. Teaching your customers can do either one of two things for you. Let’s go back to the example of a plumber. First, it lets them know that you’re always available for advice with anything that pertains to the problem they have at their home. You’re going to be the first person called if someone from your class needs help unclogging a drain. Second, it might show them exactly how difficult it is to do what you do so they have to call for your services. They could realize that it’s safest to call in an expert rather than blindly try to clear a clog. Either way, you’re going to have more loyal customers as a result.

Participate in Community Events

Many communities will have special events like fundraisers, festivals, or holiday fairs that allow you to put up a booth or donate money. Typically, with these types of events, you’re allowed to use some type of large signage. This can be an excellent way to present your brand to your community so they see who you are and what you have to offer.

Beyond simply promoting your brand with signage and foot traffic, you can demonstrate to your community that you care. Small businesses that prioritize community involvement are much more likely to get support than those who are secluded and keep to themselves.

Make Business Cards with Discounts

Having a business card is a basic piece to having a business. It’s an easy way to make sure people you meet know who you are, what you do, and how to get ahold of you. Although, it’s not uncommon for them to get discarded into the next available trash bin. Give customers a reason to hold onto your business card by providing them with a coupon code for discounted products or services from your business. This creates an incentive to keep you in mind next time they’re looking for what you have to offer.

1413 posts

About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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