Without technology, a modern business struggles to turn a profit. 21st-century tools and equipment are the global currency as they boost productivity and troubleshoot customers’ queries. Considering their effectiveness, not to mention their cost, it’s essential to keep them as safe as possible. As hundreds of thousands of devices are reported stolen each year, you’ve got to be on the ball or risk going out of business. Yes, it’s that serious.

Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By Monster Ztudio
To help, this post has come up with the best ways to safeguard your company’s hardware in various circumstances.
Send A Warning
People that steal need to know that their actions have consequences, which is where warnings come into play. Equipping your hardware with a message might make them think twice. After all, what if it is tagged and traceable? It’s not worth the hassle when there are thousands of other devices that are easier to steal. By linking the serial number to a database, the burglars will know you’re for real and leave your stuff alone. Along with physical deterrents such as CCTV, you should be able to scare them away and save your valuables.
Use A Fail-Safe
Thieves aren’t the only danger to your business’s assets. Sometimes, machinery and equipment malfunctions and destroys everything to the point it’s irreparable. When you’ve spent a fortune on a piece of equipment, you don’t want it to be the reason the company has problems. Therefore, you should install a fail-safe like an emergency button. For water-based tools, a float switch is an excellent option too. By relying on backups, there’s no need to worry about a meltdown setting the business back precious time and money. To make sure the area is as safe as possible, tailor the safeguard to the individual apparatus.
Elevate It
A natural disaster is another risk to your company’s assets. A flood can come out of nowhere in a matter of minutes and soak everything in its path causing havoc. There isn’t much you can do to stop Mother Nature other than to be proactive, which isn’t too difficult. The key is to understand the hazardous parts of the building and the ones most at risk. For example, a basement is bound to suffer water damage because it’s low down. With that in mind, try and keep the hardware as elevated as possible and out of harm’s way to protect it should the worst happen.
Keep It Anonymous
Business owners never suspect their employees because they trust them, but not every worker is an angel. Some of them are bad and will steal, especially computers, tablets, and electronic devices. Your employees, the ones who don’t steal, are the solution; however, they won’t tell if the process isn’t anonymous. Although it is the right thing, they worry about their image in the office. With that in mind, keep the discussions secret by setting up a process with the HR team. They raise a grievance, it’s reported, and you act on it without knowing the individual.
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