Looking for a new career in science? Well, your dream job could be in among this bunch of brilliant professions!

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Do you want to be at the forefront of all the research in the science world and be part of the team that makes the next big discovery? If so, you should become a scientific researcher. You will work in a laboratory or out in the field to try and make new discoveries. In order to become a researcher, you will need to focus on science at college and then study for an undergraduate course in an even more specific scientific niche, such as biomedical treatments or environmental sciences.
Science Managers
Don’t fancy getting your hands dirty like a researcher? If not, you might want to become a science manager and lead your own team of researchers. In this case, you would be employed by a university or science organization and then recruit your own team of specialists to help you in your projects. To get this kind of job, you need to take a science operations management course. You can take one of these at many colleges and universities around the country.
Wish you could predict the weather so you never get caught in a storm again? Well, you can… sort of! Meteorology is the science that focuses on the weather and people who work in this field try to forecast the weather and develop new technologies that can help them do so. If you become a prominent member of the meteorologist world, you might even be asked to be a weather forecaster on the news stations!
Science Teacher
If you agree that children are the future, then why not work with them and pass on your passion for science? To become a teacher, you just need to do well throughout your school and college career. Then, you need to take a teacher-training course, which will require you to specialize in either biology, chemistry, or physics. If you want to work at a college or university as a lecturer, you will need to take further qualifications in order to be able to do so.
Lab Technician
If you like the idea of working at a school but don’t want to stand up in front of a class of rowdy teenagers, then you might prefer the idea of becoming a lab technician. The technicians are the people who help the teachers set up their experiments. You will need a good knowledge of all the science equipment, materials, and chemicals that are regularly used in science lessons so that you can prepare the experiments ready for the teachers.
Also Read
If you really enjoy studying science, then you might want to forge a career for yourself in academia. This is when you stick with a college or university and carry on with your academic studies. Eventually, you could become a professor!
Hopefully, one of these science-related careers takes your fancy. Which one can you see yourself doing in the future?