Take your website seriously, it’s one of the most important parts of your business brand and profile. In fact, it’s not an exaggeration to label it as the home base of your company. It’s where all the information can be sourced back to that you might release on your social media and it’s where customers head to if they want to find out more information about your business. It’s your number one resource for growing leads and building up your business online. But, that doesn’t mean that things can’t go wrong with it.

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As a matter of fact, there are a number of key issues that you need to watch out for with your business site. Let’s start by thinking about tech trouble.
Trouble with Website Technology
You do want to make sure that the tech behind your site is working effectively. If you’re working with a website developer to create and design your site, then you’ll usually find that they are operating with a testing company to ensure that any issues are smoothed out early on. You need to research more info on testing companies otherwise, things can get rather messy and you don’t want that.

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What can tech trouble do to your site? Well, it can stop it functioning completely? If that happens, then you will be losing out on potential sales and of course profits. The good news is that most tech issues can be fixed if you have the right company behind you. You might also find that an issue with tech causes your site to function more slowly. If your site is operating at a low speed, customers will get bored. They will click off and look elsewhere for the product or service that they were hoping to buy from your company. Usually, a problem with the speed of your site means that there is an issue with the hosting capability.
It’s possible that you didn’t bother to host your site at all and if that’s the case then your business website will be running very slowly indeed. The simplest way to explain this is that if you aren’t hosting your just borrowing a space online. Hosting gives you some ownership of it as well as potentially quite a lot of power to shape it how you want. There’s also a significant benefit to search ranking so there are plenty of advantages to gain from making the right move here.
Of course, issues with your site can go beyond tech trouble. So, let’s look at a few of the other possibilities that could result in users not bothering to stick around on your site or even taking it off their favorites.
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Conversion Issues
If you look at the analytical data on your site, you might find that you’re getting a lot of customers stopping by but very few buying. Or, worse they could be clicking on and then immediately clicking off again. What’s going wrong here? It sounds like you have an issue with conversions. Something on your site is making people turn away almost as soon as they see it, or shortly after.

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It’s worth pointing out that time spent on your site ties directly into your search ranking. So, if people aren’t staying to explore it’s bad news. The easiest way to fix this issue is with A-B testing. Through A-B testing you can run two versions of one site at the same time, comparing and contrasting them after changing little details. By doing this you will be able to tell whether the changes had any impact at all on the conversion rate.
Don’t forget, if you explore analytics, you should be able to tell what page users are clicking away. As such, it shouldn’t be that difficult to find that answer you’re looking for and make sure that you alter the issue that is causing them to leave in the first place.
You might also find that customers aren’t buying from your site because they can’t find what they’re looking for from your business. If that’s the case then you need to improve navigation on your site and make things easy to find. Ideally, you should have a landing page. A landing page is like a brief introduction to your site. It will tell users what to expect and what they can buy from you. You can include a link here too. This can be used to send them directly to the area of your site where they can buy what they want from your business.
Or, alternatively, why not use a live chat? Live chats are super easy to install on a business web page. With a live chat, you can make sure that users can navigate your site with a simple quick question. Why? They can ask a member of your staff or team! They’ll be able to quickly talk to someone in the know and find out exactly where the product or service they are looking for is on the site.
You can also run into an issue with SEO on your business site. Usually, if you have trouble with SEO it’s that you’re not seeing the results you want or that you have accidentally stumbled onto blackhat forms of the possibility. Blackhat SEO is a big issue because it will typically lead to a Google penalty. A Google penalty will mean that your search ranking can be knocked down to the floor.

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The easiest way to avoid this type of situation is to make sure that are hiring an official and professional SEO builder for your business site. They’ll make sure you use white hate SEO solutions and guarantee that everything works as it should. The benefit of using an official SEO builder is that you will reach the maximum potential with your site rather than struggling with getting any boosts in traffic for your business.
We hope you find this information valuable and that you can use it to fix any issues with your company website. Solving these problems with your website will lead to greater levels of profit and in general more success for your business on the market.