
10 Factors That Decide Your Overall Entrepreneurial Experience

3 Mins read
  • Your mental health and well-being must be prioritized when you are running a business.

You might be thrilled about the idea of running your own business and being your own boss. Unfortunately, there can be a lot of parts of being a business owner that can be difficult or even overwhelming at times. It is prudent to understand these challenges and take the right steps to keep yourself grounded and continue to enjoy the experience.

Our workspace remains an integral part of our livelihood, especially as entrepreneurs. But what are the key features to a good workplace experience when you are the owner of the company? Is there any checklist to tally our experience to an ideal one? What are the factors significantly affecting you? Let us have a look at what influences your workplace environment.

Ask yourself these questions:

1. Is your mental health prioritized? Do you feel adequately appreciated in the workspace? It is of prime importance to instill a feeling of belonging in employees. The optimal productivity of any employee depends on their ability to feel attached to the company or institution, and to have the sense of being appreciated and valued. This is important for the overall wellbeing of both the employer and the employees.

2. Is your working space governed byfair policies and practices? The urge to stand up for your rights should not be suppressed. No employee should be exposed to crunch or unethical policies. The workspace should be consistently caring and responsible, and it should always have transparent company policies.

3. Do you have enough time for your hobbies and your family? Ask this question to yourself, whenever you are tempted by a greater salary or a promotion. It is essential to make an informed decision, weighing all aspects of this choice carefully. We often tend to negotiate in terms of flexibility of the workload or work hours. But are you really willing to sacrifice your personal personal time for better pay?

4. How secure is your workplace? This particular ingredient to the perfect work experience can be interpreted in many different ways. Especially when we work from our own homes, we often tend to overlook the small office security aspect of it. Irrespective of the magnitude of the reach of the business, every employee should be secured in their workplace, even if this is now their home. This contributes to their peace of mind too.

5. What is the purpose of your work? How does it contribute to society at large, and to what extent do you add to the process? Endowing employees with a sense of purpose, and a clear idea of their degree of involvement in the business process, helps with their commitment to the work.

6. Is the leader in you being silenced? Your work should provide you with ample space to grow in your field of expertise and beyond. You should be able to lead, initiate, and manage your vision of the future instead of just mindlessly following the orders of your superiors.

7. With the ramped-up usage of technology in every field of work, you should feel protected in the virtual world. Furthermore, are your personal documents and details protected by your company?  Spare a moment to think about the online privacy protection that your workspace allows you and ensures for you. Take your right to privacy seriously, as it should encourage you to keep an eye on all the recent developments in online protection and cyber laws.

8. Are you excited about your work? Do you feel thrilled to receive a new project? Do not allow monotony or dissatisfaction with the nature of your work, to bog you down. Seek the creative independence that you feel best suits your needs and interests. Keep a positive mindset and let your productivity soar higher than your dreams.

9. Do you feel respected in your workplace?   Do your coworkers make you feel uncomfortable? In that case, it is high time to reconsider your priorities. Work should not negatively impact your personal dignity or harm your self-esteem. Self-esteem remains a crucial indicator of one’s wellbeing in almost all stages of life. Your relationship with your supervisors should reflect on the same. A steady flow of communication that goes both-ways and mutual respect for every other person, should prevail in the workspace.

10. Are you mapping your growth? Expanding your range of capabilities should come naturally with longer years of work. Feedback by your seniors, supervisors or employer can help you in this process. An eye on your performance can help you trace your improvement. These analyses might even reveal your appreciation for your work or your dissatisfaction with it. It is important to validate yourself with newer skills and acknowledge your growth as an employee and a person.


One of your priorities as an entrepreneur needs to be creating a workplace that you and your employees will enjoy. As much as we would like to encapsulate the formula for a happy life into a checklist, it is not possible to incorporate every part of it. It boils down to the unique skillset and expectations of every individual. Workplaces can widely differ in terms of their aesthetics, nature, and culture. You have some control over these variables as a business owner, but you have to make some allowances for input from your employees as well.

The numerous existing indexes may fail to meet one’s personal goals and fancies. It is upon the employee to work out the perfect combination for a satisfying work experience. It should be in harmony with the various other dimensions of life, and should keep your satisfied.

8 posts

About author
Emma is a digital marketer and blogger from Sydney. After getting a marketing degree she started working with Australian startups on business and marketing development. Emma writes for many relevant, industry related online publications and does a job of an Executive Editor at Bizzmark blog and a guest lecturer at Melbourne University. Interested in marketing, startups and latest business trends.
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