
Boosting Productivity during the Cold Winter Months

2 Mins read

Have you noticed that productivity levels have dipped during the winter months at your business? It is only natural. After all, the weather is bleak, it’s cold, and people want to stay in bed. This only gets worse once Christmas and New Year are out of the way, and people feel like they have nothing to look forward to for a while and their bank balance is looking a bit empty. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the best ways to give your employees’ productivity levels a boost during the winter months.

boost productivity

Shutterstock Licensed Image – By Jirsak

  • Warm the office – One of the biggest reasons why your employees may be struggling to work is because the temperature in the office is simply not right. Of course, you don’t want to heat the place up too much to the extent where everyone is falling asleep. However, in most cases, the opposite is true, and people are too cold. One effective way to combat this is to buy heat tape. Heat tape is especially beneficial in cold climates, as it will ensure you don’t have to worry about any problems with your pipework, which could mean that the office is without heating for days and days on end. This would be an absolute nightmare for productivity levels. Also, simply ask your employees whether they are comfortable or if they need the heating turned up. Don’t try and guess how they are feeling, especially if you work in a separate office.
  • Keep the germs away – Another reason why productivity levels dip at businesses during the winter is because a lot of people get ill, which results in more sick days, which then results in less work being produced. It is a good idea to try and combat the spread of germs. You can do this in a number of ways. Provide disinfectant wipes, for example, to keep desks clean and everyone healthy. It is also a good idea to provide hand sanitisers for kitchens and workspaces.
  • Have tea and coffee waiting – When it is freezing cold outside, every day can feel like a Monday. This is why it is a good idea to have a pot of tea and coffee waiting for your staff as soon as they arrive at work. Something as small as this can go a long way; it shows your employees how much you care and that you appreciate their efforts. You could even go an extra mile by offering hot chocolate or tasty, comforting treats.
  • Protect your tech – Technology can catch bugs, as well as people. So make sure wires aren’t too close to the heating, and encourage all of your employees to turn off their computer when they leave for the day. The last thing you want is a tech outage.

If you follow the advice that has been mentioned above, not only will you boost productivity levels during the colder, winter months, but you will also make your employees happier too. It is always more difficult to work during winter, and it is important to be understanding of this, but you should recognize that you can still make changes to improve the situation.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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