
Apps to Keep Your Business Running Smoothly

2 Mins read

Keeping your business running smoothly in this day and age is as simple as having the right tech set up, and staff that know how to use them. If you’re a more significant business the chances are you have looked into all the possibilities, now you can even get Librestream field service software that hooks up experts and issues in seconds. Both business and technology move fast, and it’s great to be able to see them moving together. So, what can you implement to keep your company ticking over?

smooth business

Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By balounm

If you have staff, you should make sure that they have company-issued mobile phones or laptops. This allows them to have hardware that keeps them connected, and up to speed with everything that goes on inside the company. It also means that you can introduce more flexible working – which is proven to improve productivity. A robust employee scheduling tool makes it easier for managers to create schedules that flow with this new, more relaxed method of getting work done. If you chose to do this ensure that they never install anything other than company-approved applications and that they take it to IT (or you) to get the updates run each week.

Speaking of productivity and connectivity – Dropbox is an ‘almost can’t live without’ way to share files, of substantial size, make notes, and share with a full team. It can be integrated on your phone, computer… well, almost anything with an internet connection. And it’s all synced up – so no one can say they haven’t seen the latest edit unless they haven’t checked. If you aren’t sold on Dropbox, the Google Drive is a great alternative. With so many apps within the suite, and instantly shareable and keeps things safe up there in the cloud.

Project management is pretty critical for any type of business, Asana is what a lot of SME and larger companies opt for. A PM can set up a project, assign tasks to specific members, and away you go. If you don’t love Asana, you can opt to try something like Evernote. You can use Pinterest boards, make notes, take photos/scans, and streamline it into one place. This one is great for creative teams who are collaborating.

Having something to manage critical contacts is pretty much vital. FullContact can be accessed by your whole team, and if for whatever reason you or your team need access and aren’t in the office environment, you can pop open the programme and find who you need. You will spend a short amount of time filling in their details during setup, overall though you are implementing a very easy to use system. You can even add categories and assign different contacts to different projects – making them even easier to find.

It would be remiss to not talk about scheduling your social media. Something like Buffer works brilliantly across multiple platforms. You can have a month or more of content planned in advance, it also has the ability to have teams work in the same account. This works brilliantly when so many people work in a freelance capacity or a remote one. You can build a whole campaign and then add in trending / relevant content as you go.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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