
8 Best Practices to Safeguard Your Business Devices from Cyber Threats

3 Mins read

The threat of cyberattacks and data breaches is an ever-present phenomenon. This threat affects both large and small businesses, and therefore it should be your priority to stay up to date on cybersecurity issues. Every device user in your organization is susceptible to cyberattacks. For this reason, you can’t overlook the risks that poor cybersecurity protocols create.  

With current technology advances, most businesses encourage remote working. It increases the number of devices accessing your database. It also means more cybersecurity loopholes, which cyber attackers can easily exploit. You may have team members using smartphones or tablets to perform their duties from any location.

Without business mobile security, it can easily lead to data breaches that can be costly to your business. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the below best practices to improve your cybersecurity:

1. Update Your Cybersecurity Policies

You may have cybersecurity policies that ensure your business is cyber-secure. However, consider the period these policies have been in place. It’s important to note that cybercrimes can be evolving, and as such, your policies need to stay up to date on current threats. 

For example, you may have popular websites that you allow your team to access today. However, the same websites can become a data-harvesting net in a day or two due to breaches. For this reason, staying updated on current cyber threats and cybercrimes can allow you to change internet access protocols. 

Your policies should also state protocols on accessing business devices, data sharing guidelines, and using the business network.

2. Encourage Strong Authentication

Your team members can be one of your weakest links to cybersecurity. Thus, inform them on the importance of strong authentication to the system applications and websites. The development towards strong authentication encourages the use of passphrases instead of passwords. 

A password can give you a minimum of eight characters, while a passphrase suggestion requires at least 14-characters. This phrase should include lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Additionally, it should be unique and unpredictable.

3. Educate And Inform Your Team

Your team members can easily form a key perimeter when it comes to cybersecurity. Therefore, carrying out informative cybersecurity training is necessary. An informative program should enable them to identify and avoid potential cybersecurity threats

For example, knowing how to identify a phishing email can determine whether a staff clicks ‘open’ or not. Further, staff can also learn how to deal with any cyber threats they encounter. It can mean developing a feedback channel that allows team members to report back without fear of reprimand.

4. Keep Your Software and Firmware Up To Date

Most software providers develop their products with consideration to existing cyber threats. However, due to changes in the way cyberattacks occur, software providers release updates that help counter new threats. Thus, you should always ensure your system stays abreast of any new releases. Mostly, you can see these updates in the form of prompts when you run the software. 

In addition, you should also ensure you run the latest anti-virus and anti-malware software. Most anti-virus software can identify ransomware threats and alert you of the same. Even though some anti-virus software is costly, the results can be worthy.

5. Always Back-Up Data

Security breaches are instantaneous and can happen at any time. Therefore, you should ensure you can restore your data if a breach happens. A good recommendation is to have a multiple data back system. For example, you can have a cloud-based backup and an offline local-based data system. 

It’s necessary to disconnect the local-based backup system from the business devices; otherwise, a cybersecurity breach can still access the backed-up data. For cloud-based backup, you should ensure to use multi-factor authentication to provide an extra layer of protection.

6. Encourage Private Networks

As part of keeping mobile devices secure from cybersecurity breaches, remote workers should use private networks like their home network. In cases where they have to use a public network like a coffee shop Wi-Fi, you should provide a virtual private network (VPN) to provide added security. 

There’s a firewall or internet router in a private network, which blocks your devices from cyber-attacks. However, using a public network exposes your device to direct attacks.

7. Develop a Multi-Factor Authentication

You can ensure the right users access your network for business accounts by including multi-factor authentication (MFA) for sign-ins. In so doing, you add another layer of security to your network. One of the most common MFA is wending a one-time pin (OTP) to the user’s smartphone on every login. The verification process lets the system know that the user is on location or can verify identity.

8. Have A Monitoring System

It’s important to have a system that helps you identify devices no longer in use or users who have left the organization. A device that’s not in use means it doesn’t get frequent security updates, and this can provide an easy backdoor for a cyber-attack.


Cybercrime continues to grow as cybercriminals find ways to access data. As such, it can be challenging to protect your business from cyberattacks. Thus, the above best practices can help you minimize threat levels, secure your business from cyber threats, and keep up with cybersecurity protocols.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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