
Protecting Delivery And Warehouse Employees During A Crisis

2 Mins read

COVID-19 is disrupting business processes in a way that nobody has experienced before. The need to keep people safe and stay at home has increased demands for online orders and deliveries. As such, companies that want to support their communities need to understand how to protect their essential workers during these challenging times. Your delivery and warehouse employees are crucial to the survival of your company. However, your company’s approach to the coronavirus crisis is crucial to their survival. Here’s what to bear in mind to hit the right balance:

employees safety during pandemic

Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By TORWAISTUDIO

Communicate, communicate, communicate

Before we address the need for protective equipment, we need to remind each entrepreneur of the importance of clear and transparent communication. Indeed, keeping your business open during the COVID-19 pandemic means adapting your methods of production to the current challenges. Supply shortages are the first thing you need to worry about. Aside from considering alternative material suppliers and secondary infrastructure choices, you will also need to present the new production rules to your teams. Let team members know and understand what to expect from new suppliers and partners will help them prepare and maintain essential safety protocols.

Additionally, you need to take the time to update everyone on the crisis strategy. Understanding how essential workers have to prepare for their new work routines is detrimental to their safety. The team needs to know who is on-site and what health best practices are introduced in the business – washing hands, maintaining social distancing during supplies delivery, etc.

Do your deliveries in batches

Customers are happy to accept new delivery times that can enable businesses to prepare shipping in batches and reduce contacts to the minimum. Consequently, rather than small courier vans, your business should rely on common trucks on roads to combine orders and carry large delivery volumes. For companies used to low delivery volumes, aggregating orders will require an updated communication strategy with your customers and new liability covers.

No PPE, no team

You need to introduce new safety equipment for your team. For a lot of companies, the purchase of personal protective equipment is a tricky process. Healthcare workers need to be the first in line for the order and delivery of PPEs. Essential workers from other business areas are likely to make do with alternative solutions. However, when you can’t order large volumes of medical masks and body gears, you need to think outside the box. Small businesses are getting busy tackling the shortage of protective equipment. You can find craft teams producing masks and other essential gears, which offer a valuable solution for your teams.

Don’t let a boom in orders rush operations

You might be tempted to cut down on protective gear and safety measures for staff that may not seem exposed to the virus. Why should your warehouse team need PPE? The answer is that your warehouse employees work in contact with each other, have to receive supply deliveries, and prepare orders during which they will have to break social distancing requirements. Don’t put your customers and profits before the safety of your employees.

As online businesses are experiencing a boom in activities and demands, companies need to focus on their workers’ safety. Sharing information, health & safety updates, and securing enough PPE for all workers on-site or in delivery trucks need to be your crisis management strategy. While this means decreasing profits, it also ensures the survival of your business and your team.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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