BusinessWeb Design

7 Key Tips to Improve the Customer Experience on Your Website

4 Mins read

Your website is up and running. Yet in today’s world, you cannot just have a standard web presence. As it is the foundation for your marketing efforts, you need a site that is fine-tuned and maximized to its full potential.

This is why it’s imperative the customer experience is flawless. For help in ensuring that is the case, here are seven tips to keep in mind:

1. Add live chat

More and more websites can be found with live chat – and for good reason. This small popup box in the corner of a site can prove to be a massive benefit for visitors. After all, is there anything more frustrating than having an enquiry or requiring assistance, but there’s no way of being able to contact a company? A company that utilizes live chat can avoid this issue, ensuring their customer service is at a high level and doesn’t turn away visitors.

This is why you need to install a live chat button onto your website if you haven’t done so already. It is a fantastic and effective method of engaging with both new and existing customers. You can provide a solution to their issues faster, which will increase the chances of landing more sales.

2. Share high-quality content

Even if you’re an e-commerce business that simply sells products, it’s important you don’t neglect the need for high-quality content. Aside from the SEO benefits it provides, content-rich pages are a canvas that can convince customers your business is the right one for their needs.

Whether it’s a blog post or product description, there are several points you have to consider when putting together the content. Obviously, it needs to be grammatically correct and engaging. It’s also vital that you try and implement a tone of voice that best represents your business. If you operate a law firm, for example, you’d want the tone to be completely professional and free from slang words.

There are also other ways to enhance your content. These include:

  • Using snappy, attention-grabbing headlines
  • Breaking up content into short paragraphs
  • Utilize subheadings throughout the content
  • Add relevant pictures and videos when possible
  • Summarize content into bulleted lists (like this one)
  • Add quotes and statistics to support statements

When producing content, however, it’s also imperative you don’t ramble on for too long. If someone is faced with an endless stream of words, it is unlikely to retain their attention.

3. Showcase your reviews

Nobody likes a show off, admittedly. Yet it’s a different story when it comes to reviews for your business. This customer feedback provides reassurance you provide the type of products and services you promote. It gives potential consumers that added reason to opt for your business.

In fact, research suggests that almost 90% of global consumers will first check online reviews before they make a purchase. As a result, you need to try and collect as many positive reviews as possible.

If these reviews are not posted directly on your website – and are instead on an external platform like Google – make sure you embed them onto your site. By doing this, you can reduce your site’s bounce rate as customers won’t have to go searching around trying to find reviews. They have all the information they need in one place.

4. Stay consistent

Consistency is the key to making everything on your website match. Without consistency in business, your customer’s experience will likely be more frustrating than productive. The problem: there are many different elements you have to consider when trying to get that desired consistency. Below are some of them:

  • Colors
  • Font
  • Heading sizes
  • Spacing
  • Photos
  • Button styles
  • Illustration styles
  • Design elements

If the design is drastically different on a page-by-page basis, this can only cause confusion for a user who is browsing your website. A consistent design helps to alleviate that confusion while also making your site appear more professional.

5. Speed it up

Nobody likes to visit a website that is sluggish and takes ages to load. In fact, more than half of website visits on mobile are abandoned if a page takes more than three seconds to load. It doesn’t seem a lot, but every second counts – literally.

Simply put, internet users in this day and age expect everything instantly. So not only will a one or two second delay harm your ranking in Google search results, it will also see your potential visitors turning away and visiting a rival site.

Of course, it’s not all that simple to just enhance your website speed with a change here or there. You will first need to use a tool such as Pingdom to run a site speed test. This tool can then supply you with a list of changes you can make to boost page load speed. Even if it only improves your speed by a fraction of a second, it could make a significant difference.

6. Less is more

Speaking of website design, it’s also imperative that you do not go overboard. It’s all too easy for someone to slap everything they can onto a website, whether this is background imagery, multiple color palettes, and so on.

Yet in most cases, it’s best to go with a more simplistic approach. By avoiding a complex design, users can focus on the most important parts of your website. It will also help to grab – and retain – their attention.

7. Effortless navigation

If a user is on your website, you will generally want them to visit multiple pages. This is why you need to make it effortless for them to navigate your site.

First of all, it needs to be responsive with clearly defined links to different pages. You also have to ensure this is the same for those on mobile devices, as the limited screen space can make it a little trickier.

Also place plenty of focus on the search bar. You want the search function to work perfectly, where visitors instantly find the page they’re looking for. Also consider incorporating an autocomplete search function. This further helps users in locating the page they want in a speedy fashion.

1446 posts

About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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