
6 Charitable Actions to Boost Your Philanthropy Efforts

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Performing philanthropic deeds makes just about any business look good. It’s even better when philanthropy is a genuine effort to help make the world a better place.

If you’re looking for ideas to make some charitable contributions to the world, here are 6 interesting ideas you might like.

1. Get involved with disaster giving

Disasters strike various parts of the world in unexpected ways at unexpected times. Between blackouts, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanoes, there’s no telling where the next disaster will strike.

After a disaster, people need help. That’s when your business can make a huge difference by getting involved in disaster giving.

The average person sends clothes, books, and toys to disaster sites. However, that’s not usually what people need. The sentiment is pure, but there’s a better way to give people what they need.

When your organization gets involved in disaster giving, you can create a plan to help the next set of disaster victims by strategizing what people will truly need. For example, after a hurricane, people need shelter more than anything.

Most local businesses and disaster relief organizations will provide food and water, but shelter isn’t easy to obtain. You might come up with a plan to send tents to people when they can’t be accommodated by local shelters or hotels.

2. Donate to the usual organizations

There are a handful of organizations people routinely donate to, and you can add them to your list of charitable actions. For example, there’s United Way, St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, Salvation Army, and Habitat for Humanity.

Out of all these organizations, consider getting involved with Habitat for Humanity. This organization accepts furniture and small appliance donations, provided they’re in good shape. It’s a higher-end donation program than Goodwill and Salvation Army.

You could potentially run a regular donation drive where people agree to donate their unused furniture to Habitat for Humanity and Salvation Army. With Habitat, they’ll come inspect the items and haul them away.

3. Get your employees involved in charity

Many companies have their employees participate in Relay for Life, but that’s not the only organization your company can support.

Pick any charitable organization that aligns with your business and find a way to donate your time, resources, or talent. While you can’t force employees to donate their time, you won’t have to when your company culture is built around supporting others.

Some ideas for charitable work include:

  • Building and repairing hiking and biking trails
  • Volunteering at a no-kill animal shelter
  • Visiting the elderly in a nursing home
  • Hosting free workshops for high school students interested in your industry

Talk to your local community center and parks and recreation department to find out if there are any volunteer activities available. They’ll probably have a volunteer program set up and it will be easy to get involved.

4. Partner with a charitable organization

Rather than simply donating some time here and there, create a partnership with a charitable organization. With a partnership, you can make your charitable efforts part of your brand rather than just something you do on the weekends.

For example, rather than donating a portion of your proceeds to an organization that helps people find jobs, partner with that organization and create jobs for the people they help.

Many businesses have started hiring people directly rather than donating to organizations that help people find jobs. It takes dedication to create this type of partnership, but when you’re dedicated to a cause, it’s worth the effort.

5. Follow in the footsteps of famous philanthropists

When you need ideas, start researching what famous philanthropists are doing. For instance, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, and Serena Williams are always up to something that benefits humanity.

You may not be able to match their level of charity, but you can follow in their footsteps by donating to the same causes.

6. Find obscure charities

While the well-known charities get all the attention, the little guys are often left behind. Find some obscure charities that need your time, money, and resources.

For example, GoFundMe published a list of eleven lesser-known charities that need support. Some of these charities support people, while others support animals.

Make philanthropy part of your business strategy

In addition to generating revenue and dominating your niche, make philanthropy part of your business strategy. Find a cause you believe in and support that cause fully.

Today’s consumers want to know companies are genuinely interested in philanthropy and aren’t just putting on a show. You can build a stronger brand through charity, but only when it’s genuine.

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About author
Larry is an independent business consultant specializing in tech, social media trends, business, and entrepreneurship. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.