
4 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your CrunchBase Profile

2 Mins read

online profile crunchbaseIs your company on CrunchBase yet? If not, get moving! CrunchBase, along with LinkedIn, is a must-list site for any business or professional. Like LinkedIn, it’s vital that your business or professional CrunchBase profile contain the details about your company and/or expertise in an attention-grabbing easy-to-read style.

Follow these 4 tips for getting the most out of your profile on CrunchBase:

Tip #1. Use Consistent Branding

Sites like LinkedIn and CrunchBase give you a chance to brand your business across multiple platforms. For example, the LBF travel profile utilizes the same logo throughout its online advertising presence, including on its website and LinkedIn account, to make it easily recognizable. Familiarity is particularly important for global businesses to build trust.

If you are a professional, sole proprietor or entrepreneur with a CrunchBase profile, use a high-quality professional picture of yourself. No selfies or pictures of you at the last new year’s eve party. CrunchBase is not a personal social media account, but a representation of your professional abilities, skills and talents. Make sure it looks professional.

Tip #2. Complete the CrunchBase Profile

CrunchBase has a wide range of tools businesses and professionals can use to inform others about what you do. If your profile is incomplete, you’re missing an opportunity to get the word out about your business, products, services and skill set. There are two important sections to complete for an effective CrunchBase Profile.

  • Overview: The overview consists of location, specific industry categories, website address, links to your LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook accounts and most important of all a description of what you or your company does. The description should be concise and descriptive. Don’t leave people guessing about what you do. If you are a service business, be upfront about who you serve and what you can do for them.
  • Company Details: You can go into greater detail in this section. After you enter your founding date, aliases and number of employees, add a comprehensive description of the business. Begin with the most important information about the company which is -what problems do you solve for your customers and why you’re good at it. Add information about the founder/founders, corporate structure, operative’s biographies and company subsidiaries. Not everyone will take the time to read the entire description, but a detailed description is great for SEO.

Tip #3. Add Images and Videos

Have you ever wondered why infographics are so popular? It’s because 65 percent of the population consists of visual learners. Typical infographics are heavy on numbers, but no one notices because the graphics make them easy to understand. Adding images and videos to your CrunchBase profile makes your listing stand out.

Tip #4. Add, Add and Add Some More

CrunchBase doesn’t stop with images and videos. There are several other sections you can fill in that, depending on your company requirements, are smart to add. For basic get-to-know the company information, you can add current team members, advisors and board members. If you’re looking for funding, you can add funding rounds. To keep people coming back, there’s a news section as well as a product section that you can update. Add customers and even competitors for an interesting twist.

As a free service, CrunchBase offers an amazing number of useful tools for businesses and professionals. Your business may not need all of the sections in the profile, but the more you fill in, the more benefits you get. Isn’t it time you got to work on improving your CrunchBase profile?

1427 posts

About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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