
3 Ways A CMMS Can HELP Save Your Money

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When it comes to a business, at the end of the day, everyone wants to get the maximum return possible out of their hard-earned money. This often leads to a scenario where regular maintenance procedures are thrown out of the window in an attempt to maximize production capacity.

CMMS can help business

Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By nd3000

However, the downside to such a short-sighted approach is that it erodes the life of all business assets and in the long term incurs more losses for the company in terms of lost time, equipment as well as wasted human resources. All of these though can be prevented quite easily by the introduction of a preventive maintenance software.

Now everything from preventive maintenance to minimizing loss of equipment can best be handled by modern CMMS systems. There are several factors due to which a software solution is more efficient at maintenance compared to their human counterparts and in today’s article we will highlight 3 main areas where a CMMS system can help increase your revenue and decrease expenditure.

1. Automation in Maintenance Schedules

Maintaining company assets is one of the priorities for any manager. In spite of that, it is nearly impossible for any manager or maintenance crew to keep daily checks on the machinery as it is a time-consuming process. However, with the help of new emerging technologies such as IoT and the power of Machine Learning, modern CMMS systems can be programmed to not only monitor such equipment but also schedule maintenance when it deems necessary. This is known as preventive maintenance and can save a company tens of thousands of dollars in terms of money lost due to sudden downtime and disruption of the manufacturing process.

2. Proper Resource Utilization

It can sometimes become a daunting task to keep track of all the assets and human resources that a company has at its disposal at any given moment. However, it is precisely the task for which CMMS systems are built for and they’re adeptly able to keep track and assign proper work orders for all the assets currently available and also utilize the human resources in the most optimal way possible. Most modern CMMS are also able to simultaneously provide maintenance reports which makes sure that the managers are well aware in advance of any repairs or replacements that might be required.

3. Provide Detailed Equipment History and Real Time Reporting

One of the main reasons that a CMMS software is able to predict breakdowns with uncanny accuracy is that they have a detailed history of all equipment failure stored in their database. While it is helpful when it comes to predicting the next maintenance schedule, managers too can review this data so that they make better, more informed decisions regarding purchasing new hardware or repairing the old ones. Not only that, managers can also access a bird’s eye view of the entire operation including real time data on every component of the production line. This can prove to be extremely useful and in certain cases has often been the key differentiating factor in making drastic changes in the production line.

While we have only highlighted 3 ways in which a CMMS can help increase your revenue and keep your business running in ship shape, we have left out one of the most crucial factors -employee happiness. This is something that cannot be measured in terms of revenue gained but in the longer run, it is the most important factor which decides if the business shall rise to new heights of success or end up crumbling to a fall.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.
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