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Top 9 Programming Languages to learn in 2018

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Programming languages are the hidden features responsible for the success of any software, web and digital application and the catch is that they are forever becoming better and newer ones are being created daily. And so, based on various parameters like popularity, career-prospects, trends, open-source etc…, below listed are top 9 programming languages to learning 2018.

programming languages

Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By Danielala

1. Java

An open-source language, JAVA is used to develop server-side applications and has been in large demand because of its dynamic applications in the field of app development across various platforms like web, mobile and smart devices.

It is the most commonly used and most popular choice of mobile developers as a programming language, like in case of highly rated apps Temple Run, Angry Birds and Candy Crush Saga developed in it. Even many government agencies and Fortune 500 firms prefer Java over others due to its robust and secure framework/nature.

2. Python

Gaining popularity from couple of years back, Python is an open-source, dynamic programming language which is easy to learn, is user – friendly and has simplified coding structure, especially with the in – built Whitespace indentation feature. Thus, it is also considered to be a suitable language options for the beginners dwelling into the field of app development. However, it’s suitability for web development, 3D rendering, and scientific computing also makes it an apt language for the masters to experiment with.

Moreover, now with companies like Google investing on Python, its popularity and usability has seen a rapid increase, examples of which can be seen in the form of its use in applications like Reddit, Instagram and YouTube.

3. PHP

Initially developed as a web development language, PHP is an open source scripting language, now primarily being used for developing dynamic websites and creating server-side scripts. Not only this, it is also widely popular owing to its ease of learning, and independence of platform and OS.

So far, PHP has been used in the development of more than 200 million websites, including highly popular and heavily used ones like WordPress, Facebook, and Yahoo.

4. JavaScript

Mainly known for dynamically adding interactive elements to the web applications and browsers, JavaScript is a language preferred by most developers for front-end developments, though it can also be used for backend developments when used in association with Node.js. It is a language which can be easily used to create animations and controls for web interfaces… JavaScript can also be.

5. C

With many of the modern languages such as C++, Java, and Python having roots in C, C is one of the oldest programming languages which highly preferred for writing software and application codes and is especially known to create high-performance computing and embedded systems where speed and flexibility are the crucial parameters. It is also adorned with wonderful features like flexibility of use, easy memory management, and strong coding support. Not only that, C is also considered to be the foundation of several popular operating systems like Linux, Windows, and OSX.

6. C++

Developed from the programming language C as one of its advanced versions, C++ is an object-oriented language highly used for development of GUI and graphics-based software.

While C is mostly used to build basic applications, C++ application development, on the other hand, mostly deals with the development of higher level applications like video games, some of which may include the very popular Fifa, Halo, and Call of Duty.

7. R

First introduced in 1995 in order to program complex statistical analysis and visual graphics applications, R language is an open source language supporting a number of robust features, and running on all major platforms like Linux, Windows, and MacOS.

8. C#

Developed by Microsoft to offer coding support for its .Net framework, C# is an object-oriented programming language containing the functionalities of both C and C++ and used for development of server-side applications and Windows software. This language is being extensively used for various Microsoft applications and programs which are .Net framework based, such as Bing, Windows, and MSN.

9. Swift

Rather a new language introduced in 2014 by Apple for iOS and OS X application development Swift is a programming language which uses the features of both Objective-C and C languages, thus becoming the perfect platform for the creation of intuitive apps. It is simple yet powerful and no sooner from its inception, it has become an obvious choice for the development of such apps.

Although there are various programming languages in the market, it is very important to analyze and understand each of them or at least the one with which he/she wants to move ahead in the world of app development. Hoping that the crisp view of the top 9 programming languages to learn in 2018 provided will help in the pursuit of finding the most suitable language for oneself.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.