
The Benefits of Studying Business

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At a graduate level, business subjects provide some of the most interesting and popular courses available to students. With a wide range of topics covering Finance, Accounting, Management, and Economics (abbreviated to FAME), business studies have proven to be a steadily popular choice for students to take, both major and minor.

studying business

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Business graduates are, of course, a popular choice for employers the world over, being in high demand across the globe, as business topics are involved — on some level — in every decision both big and small. A sound understanding of a wide range of business topics makes graduates in demand, and provides a competitive job market, which in turn, means that graduates can expect to be commanding higher salaries.

Why Study Business?

There are many aspects of studying business that graduates may encounter. Due to the wide nature of the topic, students can expect to encounter various options upon registering, enabling them to choose a focus right away or to keep their course more open to allow a fluid style of learning to take them in different directions.

Amongst the many topic varieties on offer, some courses include options to learn about the following non-exhaustive list of topics:

  • Business Accounting and Administration
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Business Law
  • Business Management Science
  • Human Resources Management
  • Economics
  • Strategic Management
  • Marketing

Due to the wide variety of business courses, some students may find that their course includes more or less of each within their full course program. On an equal note, students may find that they wish to specialize in a certain area straight away.

A Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting degree, for example, will suit students who have a strong interest in financial performance and management and business accounting. This type of course is very specialized, but students will still find they are involved in lectures on topics such as Accounting, Economics, Finance, Law, Management, Marketing, and Personnel.

The Importance of Soft Skills

Whether a student decides to specialize in a particular area or take a more flexible approach to their studies, there are many ‘soft-skills’ that will be involved in the learning process.

Soft skills are defined as those which cannot be academically measured through standardized testing. Soft skills include things like interpersonal relationship building, communication, problem-solving, leadership, and teamwork.

You may consider the study of business to be a purely academic-based suite of courses, but these soft skills will play an important part in a graduate’s further career. Demonstrating a level of competency in these areas through course work and practical work will ensure that students are well equipped when they enter the career market on internships, placements or into a full role.

Career Opportunities

When a student has graduated from a business-related study program, they will have the opportunity to take on many career oaths. Due to the flexible nature of business, many employers will look favorably on a business graduate who has exceled in their course.

Many employers appreciate the academic achievement of a business degree, especially one that is more focused, like our accounting example earlier, but the extra appeal for employers comes from the knowledge that business graduates are used to working in a collaborative environment and making quick decisions that are well thought out.

Whichever career the business graduate chooses will depend on their personal interests and what their course focus was. Some examples of careers options for the business graduate are:

  • Management consultancy – A $70+ billion dollar industry helping businesses become more efficient.
  • Marketing – An industry that changes almost by the day, requiring experts in all fields.
  • Chartered Accountancy – balancing the books of a business to ensure everything is legal and money is spent when and where it should be.
  • Investment Banking – another finance based role working as corporate financial advisors.
  • Sales and Retail Management – the ‘business side’ of the sales and retail world, ensuring that these businesses run smoothly and efficiently.

The above list is by no means an exhaustive one of career opportunities open to the business graduate. There are hundreds of different sectors across the world that you would not associate with business, and they are desperate for employees who have the skills and experience that business graduates possess.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.