Is there any denying that the threat of identity theft is a very real one? It is something that we are reading more and more about all of the time. The last thing we want is for you to fall victim to this. With that being said, read on to discover some useful tips that can help you to ensure this.

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Always Be Skeptical
We are told that we should always give people the benefit of the doubt in life. However, this is definitely not the case when it comes to important customer information. Trust is everything. Whether you are an individual looking for a service or you are looking to outsource as a business, you need to conduct important checks to make sure that the company in question can be trusted. Do not merely assume that this is the case. What do they do to protect your data?
Fend Off Identity Theft by Shredding these Items
The bin is a treasure trove for the identity thief, as many people don’t realize how what they’ve thrown away can be used against them. Being aware of which items can be used by criminals to build up a picture of your identity means you can guard against it –
Bank and Credit Card Statements
These don’t contain your PIN or banking passcodes, but do give away information about existing standing orders and spending habits. This information, in conjunction with other details they may have on you, could be enough to bypass bank security or buy goods from foreign websites.
ID – Driving Licenses, Passports etc.
It might seem obvious, but people do still throw these away when they’ve had a replacement ID, particularly the paper part of the driving license. These can be easily amended by fraudsters to pass themselves off as somebody else, so make sure you have these shredded once you get a replacement.
Laptops and Computers
It seems like technology is being replaced with new models every five minutes, and if you’re somebody that likes to remain up-to-date, you may have a couple of older models lying around. If you wipe a computer before sending it to landfill, there are still ways for the confidential data held therein to be recovered – the only way to render it completely irretrievable is by having it shredded.
Also Read
When it comes to shredding these items, leave it to experts. The last thing you want to do is make a mistake!
We hope that this guide has helped you to understand identity theft, as well as the steps that you can take to minimize the chances of being a victim, whether on a personal level or in terms of protecting your business altogether.