
Putting Your Foot In the Door of the Tourism Business

2 Mins read

Do you live in a lovely city or town where people like to come and visit? Do you think making a little bit of extra money would be good for you? If so, then you may consider putting your foot in the door of the tourist business. Depending on the size of your city, this may or may not be a competitive venture, so it’s important to think things through before you put too many resources into the game.

Some initial considerations if you plan on getting into the tourism business include creating an excellent website presence, ensuring that your confidence level is high on an individual relationship faces, creating the perfect elevator pitch, and keeping in mind that seasonal changes make a big difference in financial bottom lines.

Your Website Presence

Creating a tour operator web page has some unique attributes. Because it is a very competitive and niche industry, if you want to stand out, you have to make sure all of your details are perfect. It doesn’t matter if you’re a big operation or a small one, on the Internet all things are leveled out on the digital playing field. If you are uncomfortable designing your website, have a specialist do it for you.

Your In-Person Confidence

Work on your confidence! If you plan on interacting with tourists, you have to display charisma, whether that’s in your natural personality or not. You have to work on eye contact, the volume of your voice, and your primary body language. If you don’t pay attention to those three pillars of confidence at least, then someone else who has the identical abilities and services of yours is going to get picked first. This is just the nature of these when it comes to the tourism industry.

Your Elevator Pitch

Before you put too much money into your venture, develop an elevator pitch. The rules for putting something like this together have changed a little bit in recent years because of the speed of information technology, but some of the essentials are always going to be the same. If you are stuck in an elevator with a person for 45 seconds, how would you get them to buy what you’re selling?

Seasonal Considerations

Tourism is a seasonal industry. Where you live, it might be that the weather drives tourism. Or it may be an event that occurs on a regular basis. Plus, that has to intersect with the time that people have to go on vacation. So, make sure you understand all these variables before you rely too heavily on something that you have not experienced yet –  like a reasonable paycheck all year long! Make sure you have leeway in your budget to give yourself some financial with the room.

87 posts

About author
Larry is an independent business consultant specializing in tech, social media trends, business, and entrepreneurship. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.
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