BusinessReal Estate

Prefab or Custom Built? The Best Choice For Your Business

2 Mins read

As a small business owner with some employees, you’ve probably felt the concern which growth can cause a company of this size. When you need to take on more people to handle the work you’re doing, you will almost always have to expand the building space you have, too. This presents you with the choice between building something which is fit for your business’s purposes or borrowing someone else’s on a long-term agreement. To help you to make this choice, this post will be exploring some of the benefits of both sides.

Prefab: For a company which only needs basic office space or simple rooms to get their job done, using an existing property is often the best route to take. To get something like this, you’ll have to take on the help of a professional estate agent, as they will be able to handle most of the work for you, even when it comes to finding a tenant to fill the space.

The true benefit of using a place like this is the money you will save in the process. Only having to pay for the lease agreement, you will avoid a lot of the costs which come with building a place. Along with saving money, you will also save a lot of time, as building your own place can take many weeks.

Custom Built: There are loads of different businesses out there which could benefit from buildings which were designed around them, and this approach could be great if you need dedicated spaces for certain jobs. Planning consultants are the best professionals to help you here. Not only can they help to design the building itself, but they will also be willing to help you with the legal side of the process, too.

While it is more expensive, building your own business property will always give you way more freedom than using one which already exists. If you are a lab, for example, having rooms which are designed for mess will be very helpful. The extra work you have to do to achieve this will be well worth it, especially as your business grows.

Making the choice between buildings place or using something which already exists is never easy. A lot of people like the idea of using their own places for their business work, enabling themselves to impact this part of their life. Of course, though, while it may be fun to go out and build something, it will cost a small fortune, and most people will probably rather spend the time working on the company they already have.


With all of this in mind, making this challenging choice should be just a little bit easier. Running a growing business will always be a difficult thing to do, with loads of work coming your way and not much time to get it done. Once you’ve built it to the right point, though, this will change, and a lot of people will find that their life starts to get a lot easier, even if you are still in work.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.