Residency is a strange point in any medical career.
By the time you start your residency, you’re experienced. You’ve done the book work, you’ve somehow gotten through the thrills and spills of life as an intern, and now you’re moving up the career ladder.

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However, while all of the above are true, there’s still a lot more road ahead of you. You’re no ingenue, but there are – at least, depending on your specialty – two more years until the program completes. In the meantime, you may need a few essentials to help you along the way, with the following three particularly worthy of consideration…
#1 – Allow yourself to focus on your own health and well-being
There is no way of sugar-coating it: residency is tough, both physically and mentally.
Unfortunately, there is no way of making residency easier. In some ways, residency is designed to be difficult, seeking to ensure that residents are able to manage the demands of a career in medicine. As a result, you may have to take the rough with the smooth while on the job, and focus on self-care in the free time you do have available. Simple steps, such as committing to an exercise regime and spending more time in nature, can make a real difference, and you can also read the information on the likes of when possible for wellness tips.
#2 – Consider your financial security
Residents are usually paid between $40,000 and $50,000 a year, which isn’t terrible, but could be considered below average. According to, the median wage for workers is currently $44,564, but this is taken over a 40 hour week – and most residents will be working far, far more than this.
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As a result, financial management should be a priority for any resident, both in terms of financial management during their residency, as well as for the future. Focus on keeping your outgoings reasonable, saving what you can, and look to visit the likes of today for insurance products that can help protect your finances in the future.
#3 – Allow yourself to change your mind if necessary
When you have selected a residency program, it can often feel as if you are “locked in” to a specific specialty. If you then discover that there is another area of medicine you would prefer to work in, it can feel like you’re stuck, which can greatly impact your overall well-being.
It’s therefore important to always remember that you do have options. Residents can, and do, switch residency programs. If you’re considering such a move, then the tips on could help ease the process.
In conclusion
Unfortunately, we can’t promise that medical residency will be a walk in the park if you keep the above tips in mind- but we can suggest that your residency will be a little more manageable. With any luck, you should find that the next three years fly-by, and you’re ready and willing to embrace the next phase of your career.