
Handle With Care – Working Safely With Dangerous Chemicals

2 Mins read

If you work with dangerous chemicals on a regular basis, or run a company that uses them in day-to-day production and manufacturing, it is vital that you know how you and your employees should handle them. This is important for handling them, as it will greatly bring down the risk of any accidents and injury from occurring.

New to using chemicals or need to review how you handle them? Here are some points you need to consider.

work safety

Shutterstock Licensed Photo – By Gustavo Frazao

Follow Procedures

It is important that there are procedures set up within your company that show how each chemical needs to be handled and how they should be used. Ideally, these procedures need to be written down so that everyone in the company has access to them. If these procedures aren’t correctly followed, then it could put the handler or even your entire company at risk.

Use The Correct Safety Containers

Each chemical will have a specific safety container that it needs to be kept in. These will be made out of materials that  won’t be corroded by the chemical itself. Not only that, though, but the containers should also be adapted so that the chemical can be safely taken out when needed. Adding oil stop valves can make it safer to pour oil out of its container, for example. Usually, the company you buy your chemicals from should also provide the necessary storage options.

Wear The Right Safety Clothing

If you are working with corrosive or harmful chemicals, you always need to wear protective safety clothing. This keeps you safe as even the smallest spot of the chemical on the skin could cause irritation and pain. In some cases, it could even prove to be poisonous, and breathing apparatus will have to be worn. If you are employed by a company then your employer will be responsible for providing these clothes. If you are an employer, make sure you know exactly what your employees need to wear to stay safe.

Always Read Labels

When you buy chemicals from your suppliers, they will always come with a label on that details the ingredients and the correct usage. It should also explain any risks involved. It is important that everyone who uses the chemicals regularly reads the labels. New information and details could be added, so regular reading will help keep employees and handlers in the loop with all the latest safety and usage requirements.

Never Eat And Drink Around Them

No one should ever eat and drink near dangerous chemicals. There could be traces of the chemicals on the hands without you even realizing, and this could pass onto the food and drink, making it easy to digest. This could potentially lead to poisoning. After someone has finished handling the chemicals, they need to wash their hands well before they eat anything.

As you can see, there is a lot to do and note when you are using chemicals. It’s all in your best interest, though, as it can keep you safe and healthy!

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.