
Going Green: The Key Considerations To Look Out For Your Business

2 Mins read

As we all know, going green is a top priority for a lot of companies in the current climate. It once started out by using recyclable materials, but now it’s moving on to containing spills and protecting the environment in a much broader sense. Unfortunately, while it might be classed as a top priority, whether or not actions reflect this is another matter in its entirety.

In truth, companies struggle to push through green plans, for the simple reason that more urgent, profit-and-loss matters, take precedence. Bearing this in mind, if you are sat on the fence when it comes to going green, here are several considerations to take into account to help your business make decisions.

The elusive cost savings

Like it or not, your business still needs to function from a profit-perspective when you are attempting to implement sustainable measures. This is something that a lot of companies struggle with, so it pays to carry off something of a cost analysis.

In other words, while you might have to legislate for increased costs if you can at least calculate the payback period (and ultimately realise how low it is) you can put a business case together much more easily.

Getting your employees on board

It sounds simple, but trust us, it isn’t always. One of the easiest ways to ring the changes when it comes to sustainability is to get your team on board. Without them, your plans are worthless, and this is something that you need to get right from the outset.

In a lot of ways, staying green for a business revolves around their day-to-day actions. It revolves around thinking twice about printing a document when it can be viewed on a monitor. Or, it might involve just having the common sense to switch off lights when they leave a room.

What’s the best way to achieve this? Try and put together your plans in writing. As soon as you make things official, so to speak, others start to buy into the concept much more easily.

Starting with water

If you’re looking for an easy win to start with, water can fall straight into this category. Again, this will sometimes revolve around the tasks that your employees are carrying out regularly, but this is something that you can have much more control over.

For example, you can start to install appliances which use much less water in the bathrooms and kitchens. This might be faucets, or it might even be the company dishwasher. Nowadays, all such fixtures and appliances are developed, so they use much lower quantities of water. Not only that, but you’ll tend to kill two birds with one stone, as said appliances will generally be much more energy-efficient as well.

This can link to the cost analysis point we started today’s article, but in general, water is something that can be saved much more easily and is something good to prioritise. From here, you can apply the same approach across your business and create a sustainable model that works for everyone.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.