
Does Your Business Sound Good Make It Look Good Too

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You have poured over the numbers and everything seems to be okay. Next, you have come up with a viable business plan and found a way to put it into action. Along with the site, you have also discovered excellent and effective marketing methods. And, you have cut costs to the bone to save money wherever possible. It sounds perfect, but making noises isn’t what consumers want – they want a visual appeal.

business looks good

Shutterstock Licensed photo – By Tiko Aramyan

In this culture of YouTube and Instagram, customers want their potential partners to dress to impress. Of course, you have to comply, but how do you make a business appear as awesome as it sounds? You can start by taking a look at the following.

Find Picture Perfect Images

A heap of words on a page doesn’t work as well as it did in the past. Nowadays, readers want images to break up the post and add value. For example, if you are selling products and services online, the photos need to show them in a positive and legitimate light. The first port of call is to take pictures and play around with the settings, but that isn’t always possible. If not, hire a pro or find royalty-free pics on sites such as Pexels or Pixabay. Wikipedia Commons even has an array of images.

Invest In Apple

Some people think Apple products are a waste of time. Whether that is an exaggeration or not is a personal decision, but they sell buckets of units a year for a reason. One of those causes is Apple’s commitment to businesses. Every time they bring out a new version of their products or software, it helps small, medium and big companies make a profit. From a visual point of view, a Mac is a terrific piece of kit for a timeline app which allows you visualize tasks. It also comes with a range of photo editor apps too.

Build Quality Social Media Pages

build quality social pages

Shutterstock Photos

“Social media” means all the platforms and not just Instagram. Of course, the gram will be the main point of contact for customers, so it has to stand out from the crowd. Building a successful Instagram page is pretty straightforward though as long as you follow the basics. Firstly, make sure there is a profile picture which relates to the brand. Secondly, use the description to boost SEO. Thirdly, post videos because vids are the new king of content. Just don’t neglect the likes of Pinterest and Twitter.

Be Mobile-Friendly

The majority of consumers view content via mobile devices, which is one reason to be mobile-friendly. To start with, make sure there is a mobile version of the site. Otherwise, the desktop version will automatically pop up and it will look and feel messy. Next, view the new edition and take care of any bugs before it goes live. For instance, loading speeds should be quick and efficient and content should be easy to search.

Consumers may say differently, but they place a lot of emphasis on looks. After all, it’s a materialistic world.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.