
How to Improve Your PPC Ad Campaign for Any Niche

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Are you getting less than optimal results from your PPC ad campaign? No matter what niche you’re in, there are several ways you can improve your campaign and get better results.

1. Hire a professional PPC advertising company

Hiring a professional PPC ad agency is the number one strategy for improving your PPC ad campaign results. Hands down, experts in the industry will always have an advantage over any DIY learning you’ve completed.

While it’s possible to acquire an extensive amount of PPC advertising knowledge on your own, there’s no substitute for experience. For example, experience is required to understand how to use Google’s ad rank formula to gain an advantage over your competition.

You can probably understand how the formula works on the surface just by analyzing your own PPC ads, but awareness increases the more campaigns you analyze. Marketing agencies analyze their clients’ campaigns on a regular basis and can see the patterns more clearly.

When you work with a PPC ad agency, you won’t have to try to figure it out – your campaign manager will handle everything for you.

2. Research and experiment

If you’re not going to hire a professional PPC ad agency to manage your campaign, keep learning as much as possible. Research PPC ad strategies and experiment with what you learn. For example, if you’ve never used negative keywords, learn as much as you can about why negative keywords are important.

WordStream offers a helpful tool to identify the keywords people type into Google that make your ads pop up. When you identify these keywords, you can start bidding on them to improve your results.

Whenever you discover a new tactic or strategy, start experimenting as soon as possible. Keep reading and learning more about each particular strategy and adjust your PPC campaign accordingly.

3. Use a VPN to identify non-local keywords in Google

Do any of your customers live in a different country? If so, you’ll want to use your PPC ads to reach those customers. There’s just one problem – Google won’t give you keywords for another country unless it thinks you’re signed in from that country.

When you check keyword performance in your account, you won’t have access to keywords from a different geographical location. However, you can use a VPN to get access to those keywords. A good VPN, like Proton VPN, will allow you to choose a specific geographical location.

4. Put poor performing keywords on pause

Have you ever paused certain keywords that aren’t performing well? While this should be an obvious strategy, many people don’t think to pause poorly performing keywords. However, this is a critical component in your PPC ad strategy.

Continuing to bid on poorly performing keywords will drain your PPC ad budget quickly and for no good reason. You won’t benefit at all by bidding on keywords that aren’t doing well. That money should either be transferred to your high-performing keywords or not used at all.

5. Write better ad copy

Great copy is always the center of every successful PPC ad campaign. It doesn’t matter if your ads have millions of impressions – if you aren’t getting clicks, your ads aren’t good enough.

Learn how to write better ad copy from people who get phenomenal results. However, you really need sales skills and marketing expertise to write effective ad copy. These skills can be learned, but you won’t write great copy until you learn marketing and sales basics.

Marketing and sales basics should be incorporated into your ad copy. Otherwise, your ad will sound fine, but it won’t be persuasive.

For instance, here are two different ad headlines that will generate different results:

Ad #1: “How to Hit Better Tee Shots And Improve Your Golf Game.”

Ad #2: “How Does An Out-Of-Shape 55 Year-Old Golfer, Crippled By Arthritis & 71 Lbs. Overweight, Still Consistently Humiliate PGA Pros In Head-To-Head Matches By Hitting Every Tee Shot Further And Straighter Down The Fairway?”

The second ad copy will be far more effective than the first. The second headline is one of copywriter John Carlton’s most successful headlines.

If you’re not writing ad copy like A-list copywriters John Carlton, Gary Halbert, and Dan Kennedy, you’ve got room for improvement.

PPC ad campaigns are a long-term strategy

PPC ads are a long-term marketing investment in your business. You’ll need to run your campaign continually and make frequent adjustments to stay competitive. Once you get in your flow, it becomes easier to run a PPC ad campaign. However, you can always hire an expert if the task becomes too much.

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About author
Larry is an independent business consultant specializing in tech, social media trends, business, and entrepreneurship. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.