
Win at Business And Have A Rewarding Personal Life?

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There is a myth that surrounds successful business people, and it is that you can’t be both a success and have a rich and rewarding personal life. People seem to believe that you have to pick one or the other, but this is simply not true. In fact, a vibrant personal life can often act as both motivation and respite from the cut and thrust of the business world, making it a valuable thing to develop. With that in mind, read on to discover some strategies that will help reinvigorate your life outside the office.

limit office hours

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Limit your office hours

When will the fallacy of unpaid overtime stop? It’s bad enough when there is deadline to hit, but when people are just staying behind after hours because they don’t want to look bad, or it’s an expected part of the office cultures, it’s just ridiculous.

Being in the office for a long time doesn’t mean that you are working effectively, nor does it mean you are focusing on what you should be doing. In fact, you’re probably thinking about anything else that you could be doing at 8pm on a Friday night except working on that spreadsheet for Monday morning. That is why getting out of the office at a decent time, every day is a must.

Allow time and money for other experiences

Time and money are two of the most precious things to someone that is looking for success in business. However, channeling all of your resources into your success can leave you resentful and drained.

Instead, allow yourself some time and funds to do the things that energize you in life. If you love golf, then a weekly round on a Saturday morning is worth the time and the cost, as it is enriching your life. If you love boating then investing in one of these boat props and taking some time to head out on the water is a valuable use of your resources. After all, when you come back into port, you are much more likely to be clearheaded and able to work on the current issues of your business in a much more effective way.

Vacations are not for wimps

Last, of all, vacations are not for wimps or people that don’t take their jobs seriously. In fact, they are for people that take their business concerns soberly, indeed.

That is because no one can work all the time and keep their edge, and even if you are leaving the office at a decent hour, and taking breaks at the weekend to do fun things, you still need to totally wind down every few months. That is where a vacation comes in as it gives you the chance to get away from it all and do just that.

vacations office holidays

Vacations can help you unwind – Free stock by Pexels

A good warning sign to look out for on this issue is if you seem to be accruing more days than you are using. Then you know you aren’t valuing your vacation time and need to make a change.

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About author
Ryan Kh is a big data and analytic expert, marketing digital products on Amazon's Envato. He is not just passionate about latest buzz and tech stuff but in fact he's totally into it. Follow Ryan’s daily posts on Catalyst For Business.