Search engine optimization is a term that we’ve all heard before. It’s a series of strategies and techniques used to help us improve our search rankings. That means getting us higher in the Google rankings, it means more exposure and it means making your website easier to find.

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However, most people ignore SEO because they either don’t understand its importance, or they simply don’t think it’s worth the money. Instead, they choose the DIY SEO route and attempt to stuff their websites full of keywords and use outdated strategies to rank higher. Unfortunately, many of those methods are considered underhanded black-hat methods that could eventually get your website blacklisted.
Here are five signs that you clearly need some SEO help with your website.
1. Your website is growing stagnant
Original content is king when it comes to SEO. Make sure you add original descriptions, blog posts and general content to your website to keep it fresh.
2. Your website doesn’t look good on mobile
SEO now includes making your website fit on a variety of different platforms. If your website doesn’t work properly or looks horrible on smartphones and tablets, then you need to optimize it for those platforms.
3. You rank, but you don’t convert
Ranking high is one story, but actually converting those page views into sales is another matter. SEO can only carry your business so far, but what will you do even if you do reach the number one spot on Google?
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4. You don’t have a social media page
Social media pages and SEO go hand-in-hand. If you don’t have a social media page that’s incorporated into your SEO strategy, you’re doing it wrong.
5. You have no idea what you’re doing
Let’s face it, you need to be a specialist to do DIY SEO. However, if you’re serious about learning, then take a look at the infographic below to learn some of the biggest SEO trends in 2018.